View Full Version : Please help me - long term severe dizziness and pain

02-08-12, 02:55
I'm literally losing my mind because i've been so ill for so long.
Basically... 8 months ago I woke up one morning and I felt dizzy, lightheaded and off balance. I had a slight ear ache and went to the doctors, they said my ear looked okay but perscribed me with antibiotics as it was slightly red.
The dizziness has never gone in the whole 8 months. it's basically like a drunk feeling.. sometimes my head spins, sometimes not. I'm light headed constantly and i can't think straight, see straight and my short term memory is awful.
It's like living in a bubble and I haven't had a single second of relief in those 8 months.
The ear soreness has been pretty constant. it's always the same ear and sometimes it's slightly sore, sometimes much more painful. always dull aswel. sometimes ringing.
So in April I was referred to ENT and it's only now, in August that I have my appointment. I've waited so long and there's no improvement. In fact, the dizziness/lightheadedness has gone worse.
I can't leave the house, I can barely get out of bed. I feel sick constantly.
So 9 days until my appointment and I'm terrified of what they'll find.
I seem to have some sinus problems too.
I've been on so many antibiotics and anti vertigo pills and nothing has helped.
Recently i've been getting agonising migraine type headaches around one of my eyes and my temple. they last for days and now my eye feels funny. like it's swollen but it isnt. it's a horrible pressure feeling. i've never really had them before.
The reason I am so worried is because my dad died of a brain aneurysm and well, he had many of the same symptoms as me before he passed.
I'm just wondering if anyone can please share any experiences they may have because i'm worried sick now..
could it be my ear?
my sinuses?
or something much more serious?
thanks for reading. any help would be much appreciated.. :(

02-08-12, 09:40
anybody? :( my eye headache has gone but it kinda feels like my eye has been punched, If that makes sense. feels sore and swollen? but isn't. my vision feels weird, like my eye is further back from the other... could this be related to all the dizziness or no?

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ----------

also my ear is still slightly painful today and feeling dull. both ears sound "whooshy" and my sinuses are kinda blocked as usual.

02-08-12, 09:52
I feel somewhat like you with these symptoms, plus a hundred others...I just..There's no way that its ALL anxiety..Im sure its nothing severe, but there is likely some small glitch in the system somewhere causing it.

02-08-12, 10:29
Hi Somegirl - I'm not sure if I'm comforted by your post or not - no offense intended! I have alot of your symptoms - dizziness, headaches, earaches and a very full right eye which feels like it's protruding from my head. I had no idea these could be symptoms of an anuerysm!!!! :huh:

You probably know more about anuerysms than others because of what happened to your dad (sorry) but from what I've read (and wish I hadn't) anuerysms don't often present symptoms - they just happen very quickly and you know about it.

About 3 months ago I woke up feeling so dizzy that I couldn't walk in a straight line. I'm not one for making doctor appts but I was so freaked out I made an emergency appointment. She did all those little neuro exercises, checked my ears (had alot of ear pain and crackles) and sinuses but there was no sign of any infection. She suggested I might have a middle ear blockage which would heal on its own and sent me away with vertigo pills.

To this day I still get odd aches in my ear, odd sensations in my head and a funny feeling in my right eye. Not a day goes by that I don't have some kind of dizziness. It's not as severe as yours because I can still carry on with stuff but it's a horrible feeling just the same. I have alot of pressure in my head today but my eye does feel better. For me personally, I keep having to tell myself that symptoms of anuerysms, tumours and strokes (my biggest fears) don't come and go like that. It's not always easy though!

I would wait for your ENT appointment and hope you get some answers. I'm certain it's nothing serious but if there is something wrong with your ears or sinuses then they can be fixed. Let me know how you get on. As somebody who suffers with very similar symptoms I'm curious. Big hugs. :hugs: xx

02-08-12, 10:48
Good luck with the appointment remember you are going to stop this happening to you, so should hope they do find a reason and can sort it out. I agree with the others who say its unlikely to be serious as these things tend to come on quickly.
In the past year i have suffered with verigo a few times and it is awful the most scared ive been, which then developed into a less severe vertigo so like an unbalance or dizzyness frequently. I took vertigo medication for ages as i hated the symptoms.
The vertigo triggered my anxiety, so it amy be that although you clearly have a middle ear type problem the anxiety around it is making it worse. When you know exactly what it is the anxiety may ease and you wont focus so much on that area of your body so that might help.
Hope it all goes well x

02-08-12, 11:16
thank you all for your replies. I didn't mean to concern anyone regarding the aneurysm but I've been asked a lot about it by my GP because as my father died from it, it could be hereditary.
I'm hoping it's definitely to do with my ear as its always sore and blocked feeling. it hasn't really gone away for more than a few days.
I'm going to try and block it out of my mind today and venture outside. my eye is still aching an feeling strange. good luck everyone, we're still here which can only be a good sign. anxiety makes everything so much worse.