View Full Version : How odd is this

02-08-12, 04:23
Has any one experienced this
Actually felt really relaxed , no pounding heart usual stuff we all get , went to bed and lay there very relaxed but it didnt seem right ,then bit of tingly legs then dizziness, then a full blown anxiety attack , to take my mind of it I decided to post on here something I havent done in a long time, my thoughts are as I have been suffering for such a long time and suddenly felt really relaxed that itself has brought on an attack as its a strange feeling, normal to most people relax and chill out, sorry am rambling just wondered if anyone had felt similar, I take citalopram , suffer with tinnitus,fullness in ears,still when feel crap and have an attack still convinced it has to be more sinister:wacko:
Thanks for listening and sorry bit rambling

Vanilla Sky
05-08-12, 02:58
The tingly legs caused you to panic ... thats it.. its happened to me too I would be perfectly relaxed and some strange thing would happen eg. weird feeling in head and that is enough to start the panic .. It was always there simmering underneath. We think because we feel relaxed nothing will happen but on occasion it does .. just accept it and it will go... trust me i am THE expert on panic

05-08-12, 12:20
Each and every persons body does weird things to them sometimes. It's our anxiety that turns the most innocent of muscle twitches or gripe of wind into something more sinister.
Possibly the leg tingling was a bit of tension in your muscles that you hadn't recognised was still there. Even when we believe we are relaxed that doesn' mean that we aren't still unknowingly holding some tension in our body somewhere.
I have just had a conversartion on these lines with the group leader of my CBT course actually. She suggests deliberately tensing the muscle groups affected and then relaxing them.
Take care.

05-08-12, 21:49
Hi thanks for the advice greatly appreciated , just gets to the point where it feels it will never end, plus always think its more sinister, had a crap few days , mind chatter mixed with fullness in ears tingling limbs blah blah , sure i am going mad , thinking that the citalopram really isn't working have given it about 18 months and just want to feel happier instead of this monotonous doom gloom and zero motivation, must have spent most of today in bed , what a waste :unsure: