View Full Version : Morning anxiety has started

02-08-12, 08:18
I have never had this before, just this week, maybe because I am off work or whatever. I am fine when I wake, I get up have a cuppa tea, a smoke then the fatigue type feeling sets in, my stomach turns, diarrhoea and am anxious as hell until after lunchtime.

As I say its never happened before. I can only really put it down to lack of sleep, I got to bed at 10pm and can't get over until after 12, my body clock still wakes me at 6am though so up I get.

I know alot of you suffer from this, is this gonna be the start of morning anxiety for me? Have you any advice?

02-08-12, 08:24
Hi Samtheman, as you say I think this is quite normal. I'm waking around 5 am and the feelings are lasting until the afternoon. From previous experience I can say that when the anxiety in general is under control this does go away. The only thing I have found that helps much is distraction, which you were maybe getting at work. Yesterday, despite feeling terrible, I set off for my optician's appointment and spent half an hour learning to put in contact lenses. While I was absorbed in this I forgot all about the anxiety and it did feel a bit better afterwards. Similarly when I was figuring out how to play a DVD with my son's X-box controller. Something that engages your brain without being too demanding.

02-08-12, 08:27
Could it be the caffeine and nicotine that starts it off? Would you be able to hold off on the tea and fags for a few hours to see if your anxiety stays away until you have them?

02-08-12, 21:43
Maybe you need to do more exercise in the daytime to try to tire yourself out.