View Full Version : Diabetes or me over-reacting....?

Tilly Flop
02-08-12, 10:41
Hi, I've lurked for a while but have decided to register as I've struggled with health anxiety for a good while. :)
For as long as I can remember (since well before the days I worried about EVERYTHING!) I've gone a bit 'wobbly' sometimes and when it happens I know I need to have something to eat and I'll be fine. Years and years ago I saw the Dr about it, who told me that this was just my blood sugar dropping a bit too low, to eat something to being it back up again - all fine, no worries. It happens maybe two or three times a year thats all, normally late afternoon, about 3-4 ish, I tend to feel a bit dithery, a little bit shaky and absolutely starving, which are of course classic symptoms of mild hypglycaemia. Have something to eat, feel fine within a few minutes.
So as I said this has gone on for years without any issue (and no other symtoms or suggestions of diabetes I should add...) but it happened last week and since then I've convinced myself I'm diabetic and it's the end of the world. Like I said I have no other symptoms. The sensible part of my brain says why start worrying now - it's never been a problem before, the scaredy cat side says I should charge off to the Doctor NOW :scared15:.
What would you do????

02-08-12, 12:42
I've had the same thing happen to me on numerous occasions but it isn't something that really worries me as it soon goes away again. Anyway had bloods done a few weeks ago for a totally different thing and was checked for diabetes which came back clear so I would try not to worry if I were you (easier said than done I know) x

02-08-12, 12:44
Easiest thing is to go to the doc, have it tested and when it comes back negative get back to not worrying about it again.

02-08-12, 13:12
I had this as part of my HA for agessss. finally plucked up courage to have bloods and all fine. Anxiety tricks you in so many ways. So and have your bloods done no matter how hard you find it. It will put your mind at rest xxx

02-08-12, 13:31
I agree - a simple blood test will tell you then you can deal with the outcome of that

02-08-12, 16:20
I believe that you can even get this test done at some chemists now, it's very quick.


02-08-12, 16:48
I always wonder if I should go and get my blood sugar tested. Last year I had a dizzy spell and almost passed out at work. I was taken straight to the doctor and after a blood test it was found my blood sugar was slightly low but not enough to overly worry about. When I went back earlier this year with the issues I'm having now, again my blood sugar was tested and proved to be low and I was told to go back in 4 weeks for another test - I never did because of other stuff going on. I've never really worried about it but wondering if maybe I should get it checked again because of issues I have now.

I'm sure you're fine but like Pipkin said, you can get them done at the chemist. Might put your mind at rest. xx

Tilly Flop
02-08-12, 17:10
Thanks for your replies. I tried ringing for a drs appointment today but my gp is on hols at the mo and I go away next week. I didn't know you could get a check at the chemist, I don't know whether to do that to check it out now or wait till I get back from hols. If it was clear I know I'd e able to enjoy my hols better, but if not it'd be totally ruined as I'd not e able to do anything about it till I got back.

I've had bloods done a few times during the time I an remember having these wobbly spells, not least when I was pregnant, when of course they keep a really close eye on your blood sugar, and nothing has ever been wrong, but I've just got it into my head now that there must be.

02-08-12, 22:09
I have this and have also had it for years. I also find it flares up just before my period. I have been for blood tests, and once I had one and they actually sent the emergency Drs to my flat that evening to tell me I had to eat chocolate as my blood sugar was so low (it was 2 I think, which is really low). I had to go back two days later for a repeat test and it came back normal. The Dr said some people just suffer from low blood sugar if they exercise and don't eat a lot or don't eat regularly enough, and it can be worse with anxiety. The Dr at the time told me that low blood sugar would not indicate diabetes.

Tilly Flop
03-08-12, 07:55
Cattia thanks for this - what the Dr told you pretty much mirrors what my GP told me way back when I first saw him about it. He also said it would be a good idea to carry some dextrose sweets in my bag in case I felt a bit la-la any time because of it, and to always. And sure I eat if I'm drinking alcohol. I can also identify with the thing about being more prone just before your period - it turns out mine was imminent when this happened last week too, (though I tend to forget about them these days as theyre only teensy since having a Mirena coil!).

Tilly Flop
07-08-12, 08:57
Ok, so I went and bought a blood glucose testing meter and have now checked it twice, once late afternoon about three and a half - four hours after eating, which was 5.6 and once first thing this morning which was 5.2. Info I've found seems to say this is ok? Why am I still worrying? Someone tell me to stop??!!