View Full Version : Small lump on neck muscle

02-08-12, 11:02
I have a small lump on my neck, it is on the right side (on the sternocleidomastoid muscle I think). It is quite small, probably not much bigger than a pea and it feels like it is located probably a third of the way up from the collar bone on the muscle (of course I suppose it could be behind it and pushing the muscle, I am not qualified to say but I don’t think so). I have played sport before and it feels to me exactly like the kind of scar tissue you can get after a pulled muscle, like a knot on the muscle. I have over recent years ‘ricked’ my neck more than once however I honestly cannot remember what side I did this on and both times it was sore for a just day so hardly a serious muscle injury. I have also lost some weight recently (3-4 stone which planned so it was not unexpected) so it is possible this has been there for years but has been covered in ‘padding’ and not as obvious or easy to feel. No other symptoms of any kind

I went to the doctors with it about 6-7 weeks ago and they were not concerned and that they did not think it was a lymph node, however whilst I am maybe being unfair the doctor was a newly qualified one and did not fill me with total confidence, nethertheless I took the advice and other than make a note to keep an eye on it I did not given it another thought until last week when I (accidently) noticed it again, I do not think it has changed in size but it is hard to tell especially as I lost a stone of the 3-4 total between the 2 visits. So I saw another doctor who again said it did not concern him and again said that he did not think it was a lymph node, he did though barely examine it. He said that as I was clearly worried about it that he could refer me an ultrasound if I wanted to put my mind at rest. I agreed and have no idea how long that will be? On the NHS it could be weeks or months.

I have had quite a stressful year (breakdown of my marriage) so maybe I am just in a negative frame of mind; it is though still worrying me. I have had 2 doctors tell me they are not worried and yet I still am, I feel irrational and stupid but it is still worrying me. Maybe because neither of them offered an explanation as to what they thought it could be and if they had said 'I'm not concerned because its just an X,Y or Z' I’d probably be happier.

No idea why I am posting here as nobody will know what it is but I guess just sharing the experience is a help.


03-08-12, 09:19

It seems I was right to question my other doctors, yesterday I had my first consult at my new GP surgery (I moved house in June) and after a far more thorough examination he had a different view to my last GP. He examined my neck and all of my lymph nodes and said that it WAS an enlarged lymph node. Of course he could be wrong but I’d be inclined to believe him over the other doctor.

He said it was just one node that was enlarged and that he was confident it was nothing serious as it was just the one vs several clustered together and also that I have had no other symptoms such as night sweats etc, as it has probably been up for 6 weeks he said he’d need the ultrasound and maybe blood tests to be 100% sure but told me not to lose any sleep as he was pretty sure it was ok. I don’t know if that was his bedside manner to try and stop me worrying for the next 6-8 weeks but he did seem unconcerned and his views seems consistent with the interweb (I should not have googled it I know but I could not help it)

As I did not even look for the lump in the intervening 6 weeks for all I know it could have gone down and come back up (I did catch a bug off my daughter a couple of weeks ago around the time I noticed it again) but I have to assume it has been there the whole time or maybe even longer. Me being me as there are tests to be done I am still a little worried but I do feel a little better but do wish I could get the tests rushed through quicker.

26-10-12, 09:56
Just reading your post,I know it was a while ago but I was wondering how your scan went, hopefully you are ok now.

26-10-12, 10:18

Thanks for the reply.

I had an ultrasound the feedback from which was that all looked normal. So that coupled with my new doctor having the same opinion is good news I think.

I understand that an ultrasound may not necessarily be 100% definitive, but I have maybe wrongly decided that for now that it is good enough for now though I will keep an eye it.

Thanks again