View Full Version : afraid of the slightest symptom

21-07-06, 21:22
since last year after my first pa im afraid of every slightest symptom, ex if i have an aching leg im scared i might have vein problems which could lead to dvt and then clots and then death ! i have a fibroid in the uterus im afraid of having an operation in case they get it wrong and i die on the operatig table,they perscribed me the pill to shrink it but im afraid of the side affects of the pill !! [xx(][V]im afraid of everything im going mad


21-07-06, 22:33
Hi Rania, What you have is so common in anxiety related illnesses, I am not as bad at the moment but have been really bad with health anxiety no matter what ache or pain I got it was different this time and I was so sure I was going to die. I had eye problems that needed surgery and I cancelled the surgery and made excuses not to go for over 3 years. I was 100% sure I was going to die while having the surgery or even die of heart attack before the surgery with fright. In the end my sight went fully and I made my mind up to go get it done even though I knew I was going to die, Before the surgery I done as many jobs around the house and garden as I could as I didn’t want to leave my wife and children with jobs they couldn’t do. The day of the surgery cam and I told the doctor at the hospital how scared I was and about my anxiety, so I got some sedative before going to surgery. The sedatives where so good they made me that I didn’t worry at all about the surgery and I even wanted to stay awake while they done the surgery. After the surgery I was so happy to be alive and so glad it was all over with. The next day when they removed the dressing from my eye I could see again it was a wonderful feeling, I couldn’t see brilliant but I can now see enough to use PC watch TV and do jobs in the garden and home what I have been unable to do for years. I had the same fear of the dentist real big time, but about a month after I had my eye surgery I went to the dentist, It wasn’t easy but the more I just got on with the easier it got. The thing that is making you more ill is the waiting, it’s not easy but best just do it and you will feel so much better after it’s done and even wonder why you was being so scared. I have spent many years spoiling my life because of worry about health and it never happens. Keep telling yourself you are going to be fine and just do it. Don’t waste years of your life like I have its hard work but enjoy life, take care hope it all goes well. Vernon

22-07-06, 11:12
Hi Rania,

I have the same feelings as this and have done since last year, they are symptoms of anxiety but i know how hard it is not to think it's something more, your not going mad. Try and be positive and tell yourself your ok.

Take Care...

Flutterby xx

22-07-06, 21:09

You are not alone on this subject at all.

This kind of health anxiety is what I have been suffering from for the lasy two years and it's so tiring.


22-07-06, 22:02
Hi Rania -
Your not going mad hun - alot of us have TONS of what if thoughts and personally I am horribly afraid of side effects from meds so much that I don't even like to take plain aspirin.
Sometimes we just have to resign ourselves to the fact that a pain is just a pain and not some horrible illness.
I am workin on that one but it still gets me sometimes - lol
You take care :)

24-07-06, 10:45

Just wanted to say that I understand what you are going through, and that you are going to be ok.

Something I find useful is getting through half an hour at a time. And then when you see that things haven't got worse, you start to feel better. Its best if you don't clock watch, but get on with something else, and before you know it, you have got through lots of half hours and you are still here!!

Another test I do is this - am I sick enough to warrant a visit to the docs? If I think that I will just waist his time, or that I would be taking up the time of someone else for something silly, I don't go, and I realise I am ok.

You know deep down when there is something wrong, I think a different part of your brain takes over, its not the panicky that can tell as far as I have experienced.

You are fine, you will be fine. This board is great.

Love Di x