View Full Version : Grievance meeting tomorrow :(

02-08-12, 11:23
I've mentioned this before in a couple of other posts, but the time is nearly here for my grievance meeting at work, and I'm starting to feel really quite anxious about it :(

The short version of the story is that I went off sick in early June with what the Dr diagnosed as Affective Disorder due to workplace stresses, and though my company paid me statutory sick pay they haven't paid me the company sick pay my contract says I'm entitled to (and which I've always been paid for the odd day of sickness in the past). I've asked why this is repeatedly, and they've just quoted the "at the company's discretion" clause from the contract, but won't tell me on what basis the discretion has actually been exercised (which I've been told by a specialist I'm entitled to know, to ensure that the reason is fair and non-discriminatory), so I've had to raise it as a formal grievance with them. I've since left the company (my notice period ended a couple of weeks ago), so this is all going on even though I'm no longer employed by them.

I was asked to come to a grievance meeting with less than 24 hours notice 3 weeks ago (they have shown no consideration for my being unwell with stress at all), but I didn't have time to arrange a representative to accompany me, so I asked to reschedule for early the following week. That was 3 weeks ago though and tomorrow is the first date they said they could make, so tomorrow it is.

I've prepared notes to counter the arguments I've anticipated that they'll make, and I have print-outs from the Internet to back up some of my points, but because they haven't been prepared to give me any reason beyond this "at our discretion" thing so far I feel in the dark and unprepared, which I hate :(

I just think I'm going to go along tomorrow morning and be so anxious that I'll end up letting them walk all over me and come out feeling really bad about myself (because I'm sure they're going to make personal attacks, as this is how they acted in a previous meeting about a separate issue before, which was the start of my stress building). All I want is to be rid of them so I can put it all behind me and move on, but knowing them as I do I really, really don't think that's going to happen after tomorrow's meeting and it'll be dragged on even further, so I still won't be able to put it behind me and relax :weep:

02-08-12, 11:43
Hey, that's just how I fely before my hearing a week ago....but I surprised myself and didn't realise how much strength I actually had and my preparation paid off as I had documentary evidence to support everything. I do feel for you, and it will be a bit gruelling, but looking back all I can advise is this...

Remain professional and calm at all times, let them 'lead' the meeting and only answer as best you can....try not to deviate from the subject. If you have evidence or comments don't be afraid to speak up. If there is anything you feel they have not covered at the end of the meeting, then raise it before it draws to a close. They will try and use careful tactics to get you to back down, but if you feel you are in the right, stand your ground. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, ask for a 10 minute break. If you don't understand anything, ask them to repeat or rephrase the statement or question. Let them see you are in control and not a quivering wreck (even though you may feel like that!) They are not allowed to make personal attacks, it has to be fair and factual. And above all, it probably won't be half as bad as you are expecting it to be anyway. It's the aftermath and waiting for the outcome that I have found hard to handle....I am still waiting for my letter :lac:

You can do this, never doubt yourself. And it's just so not worth all the extra worry for you. Best of luck and keep me posted :hugs: Kitti x

03-08-12, 03:58
Hi Elle-Kay

I'll be thinking of you. I have been in a similar position in the past, so really empathise with how you must be feeling. Kitti has offered some great advice! :)

You will find strength and you can do this! :yesyes:

Let us know how you get on. :hugs:

05-08-12, 17:05
Thanks both for your thoughts :)

I'm pleased to say that the meeting went ok - in that it wasn't pleasant, but I didn't feel any panic at all, and after the first 5 minutes even the anxiety feelings had retreated to a level where I didn't really pay them any attention. I'm so pleased :)

I'm trying hard right now not to diminish the credit I give myself by thinking 'but you took that 2mg Diazepam before you went, so that's the only reason it didn't come to anything', because I think really that it's only 2mg so a really low dose, and meds don't make you a different person, so they don't take away from the fact that I still went there, and did it, and came out the other side without having a panic attack, right?

Anyway, I followed up today by going out for a living history day at a local attraction and had a nice afternoon there where I also managed to have a hot drink (usually something I avoid), and I didn't take any meds for that. Onward and upward I hope, as hubby and I are going out for a meal for our 5th wedding anniversary tomorrow!

It's early days, but already I feel a little that just by getting the meeting over and done with I've had a weight lifted from me :)

05-08-12, 21:06
Great to hear you survived the meeting, and don't worry about the 2mg diaz, it probably really helped you when you needed it most...which is just what it's for really!

You sound really positive now and that's great too. Well done for getting out and doing something nice for yourself :yesyes:

I hope you can put all this behind you now and enjoy your 5th wedding anniversary meal. Have a fab time and remember, you done just great :yahoo:

Kitti :)

06-08-12, 04:37
Well done for getting through this meeting and taking positive steps to do things outside of your comfort zone that bring you and your partner enjoyment :yahoo:

Don't ever underestimate any progress no matter how small you feel it is. It is another step towards regaining your health and living the life you want to live.

Well done! Good for you! :hugs: