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View Full Version : :( totally convinced iv got a brain tumour- its ruining my life.....

02-08-12, 14:02
1st post :blush:
iv had health anxiety for as long as i can remember- im 29 married with 3 kids, it seems to have got worse since i had the kids :weep:.
my health anxiety is always around cancer ....
any symptoms i get, i always google and cancer is always in there on search results :(
at first i was worried about cervical and ovarian cancer- well any "womans" cancer then i started worrying everytime i had a headache/ sore throat/ etc ...
this year though i havnt been as bad as i realise i have 3 kids to look after and its not good for them so i tried to relax which went on for about 4month...
then 11 days ago i started feeling spaced out , my speech was ok though.. just didnt feel like it was me talking to my husband..
this carried on the next 2 days, i googled it and came across brain cancer virtual trials.... i then began having a weird feeling in the left side of my head- not a headache, more of a pressure type feeling which was only on the left, that was on the tues night and still have it now, however the feelings are different , the other night i felt like someone was brushing the left side of my head, then i felt tingling and have had diziness feelings in my head however im not dizzy.
on 2 seperate occasions last thursday i could smell smoke, like someone around me was smoking -however i was at home and no one smokes in my house... this really freaked me out as strange smells is also a symptom.
another symptom is seizires which could be a twitch, i woke on fri morning and my left leg was twitching, i went straight to A&E doctor there did some neurological test and said i seemed fine, i then went to opticians and paid extra for a picture of the back of my eyes, this to turned out to be ok , the opticiam said my left eye seems weaker than my right eye and i should wear glasses for reading/tv etc. they are on a 2 week wait.
i still wasnt convinced that im fine , my appointment with gp was this morning, couldnt get in to see my gp so seen a locum, he wasnt amused at all with me, i could tell he didnt believe me, he did some neurological tests and bascially said oh from your notes you have a history of assuming you have cancer, theres nothing wrong with you, he then gave me a prescription for paroxetine, which i have now ripped up....
so im back to square 1- sitting stressing whats wrong with me ????
i should be out having fun with kids, not googling :(

02-08-12, 14:36
Hi there,

Anxiety is a horrible thing as you know.

I strongly believe this is nothing but the power of the mind exaggerating sensations especially as you have been to the doc.

I have had a brain tumour for years now. Although I haven't really as I'd probably be dead now if I had.

02-08-12, 14:42
thanks for reply, i just cant believe that needing glasses or anxiery can cause this :(

02-08-12, 14:49
thanks for reply, i just cant believe that needing glasses or anxiery can cause this :(

Trust me, from 18 years of experience and a whole plethera of terminal illnesses I know anxiety can cause this.

Just now I have tongue or mouth cancer.

I've also had a brain tumour, stomach cancer, throat cancer, bloot clots, menengitis, mad cow disease. can you see the trend here :ohmy: :whistles:

02-08-12, 15:55
i just cant get my head into believing that its just anxiety.... what if i get used to that idea and it turns out to be something more sisister :(

02-08-12, 16:26
I completely get where you're coming from but do you know what..... a few months ago I absolutely convinced myself I had MS. I had tingling in my hand and foot, eye pain and I prepared myself for the worst. Those neuro test the doctor makes you do - passed them all, told it was anxiety and sent on my way. Didn't believe it but then I developed a headache and my 'MS' was cured. I now have a brain tumour and have had it for nearly 3 months now. I have all the same symptoms as you and I'm still here. Some days I'm symptom free and others are hell. Tumors don't present themselves like that - once they get a hold of you they're there to stay. I know it's hard to believe it's all anxiety but it really is - now if only I could listen to my own advise. Feel free to PM me anytime. xx

02-08-12, 16:38
i just cant get my head into believing that its just anxiety.... what if i get used to that idea and it turns out to be something more sisister :(

You have to trust your doctor (sometimes not that easy). If you feel something new, go speak to them, if they tell you it's nothing serious then you have to trust them.

02-08-12, 16:43
thanks for reply :) but iv had anxiety for years, why all of a sudden is it doing this to me now :( its awful..... oh ms had crossed my mind aswell :(

I completely get where you're coming from but do you know what..... a few months ago I absolutely convinced myself I had MS. I had tingling in my hand and foot, eye pain and I prepared myself for the worst. Those neuro test the doctor makes you do - passed them all, told it was anxiety and sent on my way. Didn't believe it but then I developed a headache and my 'MS' was cured. I now have a brain tumour and have had it for nearly 3 months now. I have all the same symptoms as you and I'm still here. Some days I'm symptom free and others are hell. Tumors don't present themselves like that - once they get a hold of you they're there to stay. I know it's hard to believe it's all anxiety but it really is - now if only I could listen to my own advise. Feel free to PM me anytime. xx

02-08-12, 16:58
thanks for reply :) but iv had anxiety for years, why all of a sudden is it doing this to me now :( its awful..... oh ms had crossed my mind aswell :(

I've had anxiety for 18 years. Some years I can function fine, other years it takes over my life.

I just think it comes and goes as it pleases.

02-08-12, 21:46
really ??
normally im fine as soon as tests come back clear or doc tells me im worrying about nothing.... this time though, i cant :(
I've had anxiety for 18 years. Some years I can function fine, other years it takes over my life.

I just think it comes and goes as it pleases.

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 18:35 ----------


02-08-12, 22:05
I've been down the brain tumour route as well and had all the symptoms you describe including waking up in the middle of the night smelling smoke, in fact I have even had to go downstairs to see whether there was something that had been left on and was burning.
I have been having these symptoms for over two years now and they come and go a lot, which gives me some confidence that they aren't caused by a BT (although that's not to say that I don't sometimes freak out over it). I also have a host of other things that I obsess over, many of them related to my kids. I have two small children and my anxiety,which has always been a problem, has certainly got worse since having them. I guess I have them to worry about as well as me now and I worry about something happening to them, but also of something happening to me which would mean I would die and not be around for them. I don't really have any answers for getting through your anxiety,other than to hang in there. Hopefully something will come along soon that will break the cycle. There is no easy way through anxiety, in my case also it comes and goes, I can go long periods feeling fine then all of a sudden it knocks me for six again and I can barely function.

02-08-12, 22:06
the feelings have now traveled down to my bottom of the back of my skull..... :(

03-08-12, 08:46
woke up with shootina pains all over left and right side of body :shrug: god knows what that is..... funny enough though the feelings in my head arent there..... yet ....

---------- Post added at 08:46 ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 ----------

didnt see your post untill now... its awful, my main concern is the kids, what would happen to them if i went around, yes im married but y husband is useless lol.... last week when i was at a&e he had to get the 3 kids ready , well my son is 9 so git his own clothes, he put the girls in outfits that didnt match with shoes that didnt match :( he hadnt even brushed their hair as he forgot !! :wacko: i really hope this is not a bt and it is all down to anxiety although i doubt it :weep:

I've been down the brain tumour route as well and had all the symptoms you describe including waking up in the middle of the night smelling smoke, in fact I have even had to go downstairs to see whether there was something that had been left on and was burning.
I have been having these symptoms for over two years now and they come and go a lot, which gives me some confidence that they aren't caused by a BT (although that's not to say that I don't sometimes freak out over it). I also have a host of other things that I obsess over, many of them related to my kids. I have two small children and my anxiety,which has always been a problem, has certainly got worse since having them. I guess I have them to worry about as well as me now and I worry about something happening to them, but also of something happening to me which would mean I would die and not be around for them. I don't really have any answers for getting through your anxiety,other than to hang in there. Hopefully something will come along soon that will break the cycle. There is no easy way through anxiety, in my case also it comes and goes, I can go long periods feeling fine then all of a sudden it knocks me for six again and I can barely function.