View Full Version : feeling unreal

02-08-12, 19:04
feel as though my head is only half attached to my body

02-08-12, 19:12

02-08-12, 19:14
Hi diddy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-08-12, 19:26
Sorry to read that I too suffer with the unreal feeling horrid I know but I try my hardest to get on with my day and ignore it as I have found in the past the more I think about it the worse it gets and stays put!!!!!!! I make sure I push myself no matter how bad the feeling is to go for a walk a day no matter how bad the weather I even jump in puddles with my angels (children) if the anxiety and the derealization gets too much!!!!!! Wishing you all the best x x x x x

04-08-12, 17:35
Whoa, that is really weird. (NO offense) I sometimes suffer from not feeling real, but never to that extent. I sometimes just feel like I'm in a dream, but nothing like that.
That feeling must really be weird and annoying!

04-08-12, 17:49
Whoa, that is really weird. (NO offense) I sometimes suffer from not feeling real, but never to that extent. I sometimes just feel like I'm in a dream, but nothing like that.
That feeling must really be weird and annoying!

No it's not that wierd, dont frighten him! this is very common with anxiety and i have had similar feelings, sometimes my vision has even darkened.

05-08-12, 00:59
Whoa, that is really weird. (NO offense) I sometimes suffer from not feeling real, but never to that extent. I sometimes just feel like I'm in a dream, but nothing like that.
That feeling must really be weird and annoying!

Dp & dr are very common with anxiety ..... And with the right support & help you can get through it .... I've suffered for 27 yrs and often have days like this but manage to lesson the feelings by ignoring it and just try to keep calm and carry on .... It's not weird :shrug:It's actually quite normal it's your mind taking a rest from being over worked ..

You will come out off it :)