View Full Version : Been feeling slightly ill for weeks

02-08-12, 19:43
Nausea, I keep feeling sick like I am going to through up.
Heart burn, acid re-flux. My tummy keeps filling up with acid and it comes back up and I can feel it burning my tummy, chest and throat.
Daily headaches.
Very little appetite, no desire to eat but had that a year now.
Tummy cramps, random tummy pains and tenderness.

Thing is it will ease up but never fully goes away.:unsure:

When I get it, it's very intense but I'm not actually ill in the sense I get sick or need to stay in bed.

I've always had a problem with tummy acid since I was kid, I will often through up green bile in the mornings.

Any idea's? I was thinking I could get a food intolerance blood test, but it cost a 100 euros. :ohmy:

I do eat a lot of bread, pasta, rice, cereal, porridge, cheeses,milk...
I have noticed yogurts and icecream make me feel ill and my tummy gets really acidy if I eat them.

02-08-12, 20:16
Try an exlcusion diet for 2 weeks

So try cutting out wheat and all wheat products for 2 weeks and then try it again with dairy

I wouldn't waste money of those tests.