View Full Version : Is anyones symptoms worse at night

03-08-12, 00:17
Hi i had health anxiety bad the last few weeks and i just find that my fear and symptoms get worse at night. I can go through the day and even though im constantly worrying about a symptom i get on with wat i have to do but come night time my irrational mind goes into overdrive. R we all in the same boat, and how do you manage it? Thanks

03-08-12, 09:08
Any problem seems worse at night. Maybe it goes back to when we were a babies and we woke up at night and nobody came, so we associate night with being scared and alone?
After many years of night terrors of one sort or another, I now find the best way to deal with it for me is rationalising and talking to myself, along with relaxation. I can usually get back to sleep again, but it's not 100%.

03-08-12, 09:11
Yes, at the moment I feel worse at night. I am ok during the day but my anxiety rises when I go to bed. I struggle to fall asleep as I get this adrenaline rush in my chest and feel all hot. I eventually get to sleep but it's not pleasant.

I assume it's just my anxiety and try to stay calm. Good luck to you!

03-08-12, 12:37
I'm the opposite I get more anxious upon waking, maybe because I know I have to get up and go to work and worry how the day will go.

Seem to relax more at night.

03-08-12, 13:52
ive been like this for 3 years ive not really had many panic attacks in the day they are more at night i get constiphobic at night too.