View Full Version : Back to MS/BT fear :(

03-08-12, 13:27
...or should I say MS/BT fear coming back strongly, because it was always in the back of my mind.

My issues started about 2 months ago when an anxiety attack left me with a weak feeling on my left leg. Back then I was in very bad state and since starting meds I've been feeling better and having almost a normal life. The weakness has been getting better, although the fact that it's still there makes me worry a bit. However the last few days although the weakness feeling is not strong, my left leg has started to feel numb...it starts around my knee and goes down in outside of the leg including the foot. Also there's a slight buzzy feeling on the foot...it would go and go, but today in the morning it lasted until lunch. Now it's better, but still there's a slight numb feeling...

I think my walking is normal, but the weakness associated with the numb feeling makes me worry that it's BT or MS :(

03-08-12, 13:30
I assume that you went to the doc about this and they diagnosed anxiety hence the meds?

If so I am very confident (although I am not a doctor) you do not have MS nor a brain tumour. My legs always feel heavy and I constantly get pins and needles in my legs/feet.

When I am occupied on something else, the feelings go, then when I think about it again they come back.

03-08-12, 13:40
Yes I was to the doc and although I told her about my weakness feeling she dismissed it without any test. She was pretty sure it was anxiety.

I'm sure that anxiety plays a part, because since then it has improved a lot (back then I didn't get out of the house because I feared I would not be able to get back). However the fact that it's still there all the time doesn't sound like anxiety. From what I read anxiety symptoms are not constant...they come and go (sometimes I get a numb feeling in my right arm, but it comes and goes), while in my case it is persisting for months :(

03-08-12, 14:10
Yes I was to the doc and although I told her about my weakness feeling she dismissed it without any test. She was pretty sure it was anxiety.

I'm sure that anxiety plays a part, because since then it has improved a lot (back then I didn't get out of the house because I feared I would not be able to get back). However the fact that it's still there all the time doesn't sound like anxiety. From what I read anxiety symptoms are not constant...they come and go (sometimes I get a numb feeling in my right arm, but it comes and goes), while in my case it is persisting for months :(

The fact that it is there all the time is because you are thinking about it and therefore analysing it.

Ten minutes ago, I did not have any feeling of heaviness in my left arm. I was busy doing something at work. Now I am thinking about it, the heaviness has returned.

It's all mind games, which is the hardest thing to 'fix'.

03-08-12, 14:17
Probably the right wording would be "is there all the time I'm conscious about it", because probably is not there when I'm not thinking...but as soon as I think it's there. I don't know if this makes any sense...

Also the hardest part to accept it as anxiety is that as soon as I wake up it's there...maybe I'm expecting it be there...I don't know...it's all so strange :(

03-08-12, 14:24
Exactly the issue.

I wake up some mornings and must somehow just be occupied with something else. I then automatically realise that my headache isn't there. So I start focus on it for a bit just to make sure it is actually away. Then before long it's back.

I think the hardest thing to change is not the thinking of the pain, numbness, twitching but for somehow be able to not even think to yourself that it's not there in the first place.

It's a habit that after all these years I still haven't been able to break. I don't do it intentionally either which makes it nigh on impossible to change.

03-08-12, 14:30
I'm new to this and still can't grasp the idea that anxiety (even when feeling good) can do such things. Hopefully it's really "only" anxiety...

I'm planning to get a MRI done sometime soon (probably in September), but I'm so scared (and convinced) something bad will show up...

03-08-12, 14:35
I agree - it's all in the mind but my worst fears are also MS/BT so I understand. I felt alot better yesterday but as I was walking to walk I suddenly thought about being dizzy... and guess what? Within minutes I was very lightheaded and my head felt full. Then I got so busy at work I didn't notice it for the rest of the day. It wasn't until somebody later asked how I was feeling that it suddenly appeared again!

I'm also certain that the gait of my walk changes because sometimes my right leg gets very stiff and tense - but again if I don't think about it I don't notice it. You can bet that if I got up right now I would be walking funny because I've thought about it. Anxiety and the mind are weird and wonderful things... and very powerful and deceptive. xx

03-08-12, 14:42
Thanx meche...I've had (and sometimes have) dizziness, lightheadness, head feeling dull and other similar things...but usually I don't worry about them (I've accepted those as anxiety related) and they disappear quickly.

However this weakness and now numb feeling that is always in my left leg (sometimes left arm also) it's damn hard to accept it as anxiety...I've kind of accepted it as either MS or BT and don't know what I would "choose" which is kind of insane when you think about it...if somehow MRI is clear it would be a miracle.

03-08-12, 14:48
The harsh reality is until you get the MRI results you will not relax. I'm certain that it will come back clear which will ease your worries.

I'm having an endoscopy and colonoscopy done next week. The doctor has explained why, and if there is what he thinks may be there it's easily sorted with medication.

Regardless of this, I am still terrified that they will find something sinister so my anxiety levels have went off the scale, they will subside when I have the results.