View Full Version : Mood Swings

03-08-12, 14:11
imm so worried im going to loose my friends and family if i carry on the way i am. I seem to get on my high horse about silly little things and argue with people. One minute im laughing and joking then one comment can change me im so sensitive about everything whats wrong with me?

03-08-12, 14:16
Nothing, apart from being anxious probably.

I have no tolerance at all just now, I even mutter under my breath at people in front of me who don't walk as fast.

It doesn't take much for me to fly off the handle these days. It's horrible, as I used to be so calm.

03-08-12, 14:44
ah thank u i aactually laughed then i mutter when people arent walking fast enough lol

03-08-12, 14:45
Your anxiety is making you feel like that. You're putting your mind and body through so much at the moment that it's tired. I get days when I'm very snappy and impatient and my poor other half is usually on the receiving end. I don't mean to be because that's not who I am. The real me is happy and carefree - she will be back one day soon! xx

03-08-12, 15:20
ah thank u i aactually laughed then i mutter when people arent walking fast enough lol

I want to hit them with my brolly lol

Then there are the people who just stop in front of you, and the tourists who stand in groups of 50,000 blocking the whole path, I could go on :roflmao:

Earlier today I had washed my hands in the works toilets and was standing with them under the auto dryer which wouldn't switch on. I cursed and cursed and swore at it, then I realised I was standing with my hands under the toilet roll dispenser :blush:

03-08-12, 15:45
I'm glad I'm not the only one who suffers from numptyitis :doh:!

03-08-12, 15:49
If I were to overanalyse this I'd be at the doctor claiming my memory is going and that I have a terminal disease. But this time I'm just going to accept the fact that I am a fud.

03-08-12, 15:56
Liviguy - if I were to list all the numpty things I've done over the past few weeks then I guarantee the men in white coats would be knocking at my door and everyone else would be having a good laugh :wacko:!!!