View Full Version : Needle Biopsy Results on my breast

03-08-12, 14:41
Got my results today, I think its ok but Im not sure here is what it says:

There are cohesive benign ductal epithelial cell groups noted. Myoepithelial cells are seen within the ductal cell groups. The background also shows naked oval nuclei. Findings suggest benign fibroadennomatiod change.

Does this mean that I could deveope cancer or should I be ok?

03-08-12, 15:04
Sounds like you will be ok to me hun ..Ive had 2 lumps and no probs ,were just cysts (Benign) .Ring your Drs surgery and ask the Dr to explanin the results to you in plain english .It will put your mind at rest .If it was anything to worry about im sure he would have rung you anyway .They usually do .Take care Sue xx

03-08-12, 20:33
My wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer so I can understand your concern.

Having said that you really need to think about what you are asking here. You have mentioned several conditions/observations relating to your biopsy - im assuming you got these from your consultant/doctor? Im also assuming you asked your doc to interpret these results. It is completely pointless asking these detailed questions here, questions relating to a specific diagnosis which noone here is qualified to comment on.

If you didnt get an answer or forgot to ask these questions then go back to your doctor/consultant and ask them asap.

04-08-12, 15:19
I understand, the doctor didn't seem really worried but it's very painful and I'm still scared