View Full Version : lightheadedness

22-07-06, 01:59
can someone please explain to me about the lightheaded feeling 24/7. i have it really badly. mine doesnt have anything to do with breathing. please help? i need some reassurence.

kris 1
22-07-06, 02:32
hi there,
i find i get lightheaded often aswell and sometimes find that it effects my balance to,have u eaten lately?becoz mine gets worse if i dont eat for a while,i think mine may have something due to low blood sugar levels due to sometimes skipping meals.
take care,

22-07-06, 07:51
Hi there
I had this 24/7 for a while. Mine was due to muscle tension in my neck, head and shoulders (my breathing was fine too) and also exhaustion as I wasn't sleeping. Some people get dizzy when they are exhausted. I also made mine worse by thinking about it all the time - the minute I woke up I'd start wondering if I felt dizzy and of course I did!! Try to accept it as a symptom as anxiety and that it can't harm you (although it does feel horrid), keep telling yourself this and it should get better. I still get it now at times, especially when I'm tired, but just tell myself its tension or tiredness and it passes. I know its difficult, but try not to let it frighten you.
take care
love Helen

Will Loynes
22-07-06, 21:35
I get this feeling when I dont eat enough or I get overtired, the end result is major panic attack for me.
I think anxiety makes us extremely fatigued at times and causes a lot of muscle tension. Today we have had a hot day and stormy weather which has made me extremely light headed and panicy, hence im waffeling a bit at the moment.

Hope you feel better soon

Will [^]

23-07-06, 22:44
Following a period of exhaustion and hot weather I felt very dizzy and about to faint. Landed in the emergency room and all tests were normal. Five days later I still feel lightheaded. When I wake up in the morning I feel ok, as the day goes by the feeling of lightheadedness gets worse. I'm still trying to blame sever exhaustion and may be thinking about it all the time doesn't help.


29-11-09, 22:33
i feel the same way every single day i think its anxiety or something like that:weep:

30-11-09, 03:31
Sweetie. .since we moved here a mile and one half above sea level ,,everyday at some point I have this..We have been here four years now..If lightheadedness was going to get me im sure it would have by now. Only thing here you can't tell what its from.. Lack of oxygen ,the sun, a number of reasons..You will be fine..don't worry.it will pass .Michael

30-11-09, 09:14
I'm currently feeling light-headed almost constantly with what I assume to be anxiety, and it certainly gets worse when I haven't eaten for a while (I seem to get hungry far quicker at the moment, I guess all the tension and adrenaline is burning through calories faster).

This past weekend I actually felt fine for the first time in weeks, only to have a big-time anxiety attack after suddenly feeling a bit dizzy last night - I hardly got any sleep, and now I feel like I'm back to where I was a few days ago. :(

30-11-09, 09:31
I am also suffering from this horrible off balance feeling 24/7 at the moment. I was told I may have fluid behind my eardrum, and have had a neck x ray in case it's coming from my neck, or it may be my anxiety...no one really seems to know what's causing it and I'm terrified. I couldn't even get to sleep last night because of it. This morning anxiety off the scale as I don't know how to face another day with it. Already scared of tonight and tomorrow and all the days ahead.
Sorry for hijacking the thread, I'm just so scared.:weep: