View Full Version : omg please help me !

03-08-12, 15:01
hi in my bowel movement was large bits of yellow/light brown pussy stuff .... like normal colour then all these large areas covered by yellow/ light brown stuff

never had this before please help me im shaking and sweating in fear i must have bowel cancer was nearly throwing up from anxiety when i saw it im sooo scared :(
in a genuine honest panic about this now

---------- Post added at 15:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:59 ----------

they were huge areas not tiny i am sooo scared and panicking i think i mnight collaspe literally
i was feeling ill aswell today burping up sick etc... so scared

03-08-12, 15:08
Have you eaten corn recently?

03-08-12, 15:09
Also had mucus when trying to go earlier and wiping... Thy were huge big yellow and white parts blended in not like little bits.I'm dying I know it...

---------- Post added at 15:09 ---------- Previous post was at 15:09 ----------

Nope no corn

03-08-12, 15:09
Do you suffer from IBS?

03-08-12, 15:10
No :( I don't think so I wouldn't say so...

03-08-12, 15:13
Thats not signs of Bowel cancer Em-ma ..Suggests food youve eaten .Nothing to worry about .Also could be IBS ..t/cSue

03-08-12, 15:17
I was going to google the signs of bowel cancer (which I believe to be blood in stools which is dark/black) but as I am going for a colonoscopy next week I have decided not too for my own sanity lol :roflmao:

03-08-12, 15:25
Thanks both :) thinking about it had a teaspoon of corn yesterday but how come there was mucus from wiping when trying earlier on in the day? Also they were big bits so schocked if a few bits of corn could do that lol

03-08-12, 15:30
Maybe the corn has clumped together? I wouldn't go thinking you have bowel cancer though.

Take a deep breath(well depending on how smelly you left the loo that is lol) and relax.

03-08-12, 17:48
thanks haha
it wasnt bad lol ha
it was several of these large yellow and light brown bits molded in kinda bit disgusting haha
not like white bits actual poo that was yellow and light brown

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:10 ----------

also feel like i need the loo again

03-08-12, 18:20
There is a bug going round at the moment.

It is a good job you never see my poo Emma cos it changes colour every day, it is never formed and I get mucus too.

Cats make it better
03-08-12, 18:50
Hi. I'm a dietitian. From my point of view I would def say it was something you ate. A meal really high in fat could produce the same kind of stool you described. I would say something with a lot more fat then you are used to eating. Eat anything like that? 12-36 hours before the bm?

03-08-12, 19:17
umm i had an ice cream sundae never had this reaction to it though
just went again normal but ive never been like this
i go every week
now twice in one day and different bm
was burping up sick earlier though

Cats make it better
03-08-12, 19:20
hmmm... it might just be a bug. If you are still sick in a couple of days I would go see the doc. But I am pretty sure it will clear up before then. :D

03-08-12, 19:30
Mucus is a very common symptom of IBS. Eating a lot of dairy also increases the production of mucus.

03-08-12, 20:24
dont think its a bug feel fine just tired from working this week
hoping its ibs pretty sure its something serious though
twice in one day from once a week
i am nearly always once a week

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:36 ----------

dont think my dairys that high at all lol could be though thanks x

---------- Post added at 20:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:36 ----------

Am I shatterEd now want to sleep but I think I have cancer :'(

03-08-12, 20:32
Emma, you will not have cancer.

03-08-12, 21:05
Ok :) just want to chill in front of tele with my duvet and relax :)

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

Still quite scared though lol

03-08-12, 21:09
Emma - it is not cancer ok

03-08-12, 22:17
If you ate corn yesterday then that's what it will be, I have a toddler who lovesss corn and his nappies the day after are very pleasant lol x

03-08-12, 22:33
I remember it well Abby .....:ohmy::roflmao:.Suex

blue moon
04-08-12, 06:49
You should see my crap after eat the food at temple,that is when you would worry...lol

04-08-12, 19:45
Lol haha I only ate a tiny bit though like a teaspoon. I went again today - I never go like this and I've not changed my diet at all. It's making me worry big time. Twice yesterday . I just can't help it.

05-08-12, 14:54
nan said I look Pale today. I'm very tired and my tummy Hurt a bit earlier and I bubbly kinda.

---------- Post added at 14:54 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ----------

Am getting more and more worried this is cancer . I don't want to die in only 18.

05-08-12, 15:51
Hi, if it helps I posted a while back about this same exact thing. I had the same exact coloring in big areas over it. It happens to me when it moves too quickly through the intestines and doesn't have time to turn regular brown.

07-08-12, 21:58
Hiya it does thanks still quite worried today's was all light brown and upon wiping I had bits on it like half a piece of popcorn lol. I did have popcorn Saturday could it be that? And it was all light brown today never had this before either scaresd!! Also the bits of popcorn were on tissue and they were just tiny bits I think it was popcorn they were pinkish :'(

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

It's nice to know in not the only one though lol feels like it some days x

---------- Post added at 21:48 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

I just don't want it to be the c word I don't even want to say it

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:48 ----------

Looked like the clear brown skin of popcorn the bit that gets stuck between ur teeth but it was red. Found a web page on it.

---------- Post added at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

Proberly food bits but topped with all the other symptoms it's worrying. Poo was normal colour other day now a sickly light light brown.

08-08-12, 17:34
Freaking out over the light brown colour yesterday

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

It's all happened at once so must be something going on

08-08-12, 18:26
It is probably a stomach bug Emma

08-08-12, 19:34
i feel fine though not like i have a bug and no vomiting and no dirroehea at all
going everyday is very unusual for me though

08-08-12, 19:45
Give it a few days and see if it settles, if not pop to the docs if you are worried.

08-08-12, 19:50
i dont think any amount of posting on here will convince me its not cancer so ill try not to post
i will see how it goes and book a docs app if it gets unbearable anymore
thank you :)

09-08-12, 22:19
Going to books docs app can't cope anymore getting bad again. Period started today still light brown very light brown... And normal concincesty ... It's always dirrohea and chocolate coloured and it's not. I feel fine otherwise this is something bad/ I don't want to die I'm having a panic attack over death I don't want to be no more to never wake up again. Death is my ultimate fear. I'm scared to die not scared off health issues just anything that can cause death. :(

macc noodle
10-08-12, 07:08
Emma I have been reflecting long and hard about posting on your thread but I really really wanted to give you my opinion on your current bowel issues.

You have been making many HA related posts for well over a year now and it is quite clear that you need some help to give you the tools to manage your mental health issues so that you can enjoy your life.

I think that there is a real poosibility that the prolonged stress you are under because of your anxiety has disrupted your normal bowel patterns and you re now overly focused on it.

Ok so a few suggestions :


try and eat healthy food - small regular meals

Book a doc's appt to discuss your worries.

Take care Emma and please try and not overly worry xxxxx

11-08-12, 00:03
omg this happened me before, i freaked out and was going to go to the doctor. Then I remembered I had eaten a grapefruit lol. Its just something youve ate dont panic :)

12-08-12, 19:09
Thanks mac I seemed to of had a relasPe I had been feeling half ok for a while now. My Docs app is booked for four weeks time(only time I can do that they had free) bit of a mess today has a red stripe I know I shouldn't look but I feel I should look to make sure all the time- it also had a black dot and the funny light brown area. I'm so scared of death that one second thinking about it I have to force my self to not think about it and move on. It's hard and I'm grumpy because of it just feel really sad today. I havnt been really anxious for a while so confused how it's affected my bowels lol! Anyway nothing I can do to docs app so got to try and be cheerful . I have so much I want to do before I die. Travel the world places I want to see. I want a family etc... I don't want to look back and realise I've spent my whole life worrying about something I can't control. Thanks for your help Emma xxx

12-08-12, 19:24
My biggest fear is death aswell, I am constantly worrying that somethings going to happen to me and i wont see my children grow up. I know i need to get help, im sick of constantly feeling like this. Its not just health that I worry about, its dying in any situation. Its got to the point that if i plan a trip away i actually consider cancelling it incase i die in a car accident.
It cant be normal to always think of death :ohmy: I havent even told my friends how bad it is because they just dont understand

12-08-12, 19:36
Me to as well :( I seriously think I have bowel cancer . My only friend doesn't get it either I'm so lonely and alone x

---------- Post added at 19:31 ---------- Previous post was at 19:29 ----------

The red bit makes me fearful tummy hurts to :(

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

I'm like you it's not health it's anything that caused death XX

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:35 ----------


12-08-12, 19:36
Im the same hun. Ive been like this since my mum got cancer 6 years ago. For some reason it left me with this constant fear that something was going to happen me. My mum was ok, shes 5 years clear now but im still like this. Im sick of it, i have 2 young boys and i constantly obsess over their health aswell. I sometimes wonder if i am going mad, it makes you feel like you are. Especially when those closest to you cant understand it. It makes it hard, like i had a headache that lasted 2 weeks and i convinced myself i had a brain tumour. I was a mess, crying all night, googling for hours. When i told my friend i had a headache she texted me back and said 'i suppose you think you are going to die' I was so angry, i know people laugh at me. My old boss used to laugh and say i worry to much, yeh its funny to others cuz they dont understand it. I know it sounds so irrational to sit up all night crying cuz u think you are going to die, I understand to others its crazy. But it makes me feel so alone that they think you can just snap out of it. I keep saying to people that I hate being like this, if i could stop it i would :mad::weep:

12-08-12, 19:40
I agree people laughing is the worse! I'm glad your mum beat the illness don't think I will though ... I hate being negative like this. I understand were your coming from and it's hard. It's almost like people think we bring this on our self and we don't we don't want to be like this. I don't even know how my anxiety started x

12-08-12, 19:50
You need to get referred for therapy, so do i. I was hoping i could do this by myself but its obvious i cant. I just remembered something that i forgot about. When i was a child i used to sit at the top of the stairs and cry because i was afraid to sleep incase i died. This went on for a long time. Gee cant believe i forgot i done this, so my fear of death must go back further than i thought.
Therapy woould really help you understand why you are like this and help you. My doctor said its all about changing the way you think and its a lengthy process.
I have alot of ibs symptoms. Ive never actually been referred for tests but the doctor said its most likely what i have. If im stressed or worried im gauranteed to have stomach cramps and lose stools. My stools dont go back to normal until I stop stressing. I get really bad trapped wind and pains, and mucus aswell. I really dont think u have bowel cancer. The doctor didnt even send me for tests, he said the main symptom would be alot of blood in your stools.
I think you had one bowel movement that was different because of something you ate and then it made you constantly think about it and worry. Once that starts its a vicious cycle and you notice every small thing that happens in your body.
I promise you dont even have the symptoms of bowel cancer, try to relax and not worry so much. Please dont google! Thats what make you ten times worse. I HATE google! It def feeds my fear a thousand times over :mad:

12-08-12, 19:57
Yep i don't google . When I was a kid I was scared to sleep because the witch from snow white lived in my room hahaha. Think that's normal for kids though. I did have 6 weeks of therapy a long time ago I hope you get the help you need. I did have a red streak in my BM today bit worried it was blood lol x my doc has never sent me for tests for anything else either I think they think oh they have anxiety it's def that and don't bother checking lol

12-08-12, 20:06
i bet the red was something you ate. Dont worry :) sometimes i see red and im like hmm i wonder if its blood. Then i remember i ate red peppers or something.

See my dad died when i was 14 and my mum got the cancer when i was 19. Think it was the fear that if something happened my mum id have no parent left. Now im a mum and ive this constant niggling fear that something will happen me and i wont be here for them growing up.

Sometimes i feel stupid being like this. Like i think i have no reason to be this way. I was very lucky my mum beat the cancer, i should be happy etc etc. But I just cant help it. These morbid thoughts just wont go away. Would you get morbid thoughts that pop into your head? Its like my brain wont stop! Like if im going on a long journey id think, maybe i should leave my husband at home then if i died the kids would have their dad, what if my child died, how would i cope, how would i tell my other son his brother is dead, what would his funeral be like, what music would i play....etc etc
These thoughts just pop into my head all the time. I dont like telling people cuz theyl think im mad. But i cant help the thoughts coming or make them stop. Its not a nice way to think and it stops me enjoying life...

---------- Post added at 20:06 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

Have you never googled or how do you stop yourself??! Its my biggest downfall...

12-08-12, 20:50
I don't google because I know what I'll find and I don't want to read about it. Your sons won't be little forever I hope you can enjoy the time their little as their be adults before you know it! X it was a medium length red stipe in the poo was blood I think lol... Really panicky over it don't think I've ate nothing that is red. I havnt been through loss like you I'm sorry you've had to I can't imagine what it's like x

---------- Post added at 20:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

Oh yea I get morbid thought aswell :( so sad and lonely tonight and upset x

12-08-12, 20:53
you ok? you can pm me if you want to talk hun xx

12-08-12, 21:15
Trying to be. Got to be up at six tommorow for work so going to try and sleep in a bit.. Tummy aches at the moment scared but what can I do. Hope ur okay x

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

Thanks for asking :):hugs:

12-08-12, 21:18
ok well im always here if you need anyone to talk too. Im fine, watching big brother lol. I take buscopan when i get tummy pains and it really helps xxx

12-08-12, 21:23
Thanks Hun . I used to watch big brother until it went to channel 5 lol. Not been the same since x

12-08-12, 21:25
its not as good but im still addicted to it lol. This one ends on monday and the celeb one starts on wednesday :)

12-08-12, 21:30
My mums still addicted lol. I think davina is what's missing from it. Didn't realise the celeb one was starting new this one was ending tommorow though haha x

13-08-12, 14:48
Sheila -I get the morbid thoughts all the time too. I lost my mom to cancer, I think it has to do with actually facing death in reality and trying to come to grips with it. Going through the unexpected loss of a parent really can do that, and you were so young when your dad passed away that it could really be traumatic. I was 22 when my mom died and even that my therapist said can be traumatic. If you were only 14 that is quite young and difficult to deal with.

The morbid thoughts are awful, I burst into tears randomly all the time because I know I will die or my fiance will die one day and we are bound to lose each other. How depressing to think about, wish I could stop.

13-08-12, 19:54
mee too
earlier i thought one day will die and i was nearly in tears
its horrible
im so scared i have cancer
all these abnormal poos one after an other
with blood in one i think

13-08-12, 20:17
Emma I dont want to sound harsh but stop looking at your poo, you are winding yourself up over it.

When you have your doctors appointment try and get help for this anxiety as it would appear to be building again.

You are not going to die but you are making yourself so unhappy with these thoughts.

Take care


13-08-12, 20:23
grrr ive had chest pains all day. Theres only so many pains you can take before you start freaking out. I hate this.....:weep: I was sleeping last night and a pain in my chest woke me up. That cant be normal....:unsure:

13-08-12, 21:19
thanks elen a kick up the bum is whats needed sometimes!
i did have a good day at work today as was distracted all day and was working with a friend today which helped just forgot

sheilia- i know how you feel i dont worry about chest pains anymore
proberly muscular or gas try not to focus on it im sure the more u do the worse it gets
sorry youve had a bad day x
emma x
btw if it woke u up you could of slept in a funny way and caused muscular pain?

15-08-12, 21:13
Hiya had the bits of colour again today... Same as original 1st post on here

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

Can't stand waiting to see a doc...

15-08-12, 21:48
Emma, start eating yogurt with that good bacteria in eat and try those probiotic tablets.
In studies it shows that the mice that had good bacteria in their gut were less anxious, they also produced less stress hormones when they were subjected to stress compared to the mice that didn't get good bacteria.

Also omega 3 can be helpful too. .
Hope you feel better soon.

16-08-12, 19:24
do you mean activia? i eat a couple a few times a week
im just convincedd this is cancer

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

dont want to wait till my docs app worried then itll be stage 4 cancer
really convinced after seeing the red line in one the other day it is

---------- Post added at 19:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:10 ----------

i wasnt anxious before my 1st dodgy bowel m and that made my anxiety come back so it cant be anxiety causing this

17-08-12, 03:29
Don't want to wait any longer to scared

17-08-12, 03:41
Hmm I am not sure what to say, Why do you think there was blood? Was it red or dark?
It's normal to some times get bright red blood or dark patches on your poop.

If you really had cancer you would be very ill.

I know you are feeling as if you are running out of time because you think you have cancer. But just because you think something doesn't mean it's true.

Remember all the other health related things you worried about? How everything turned out to be fine?
Maybe it's just the same thing happening again :)

Don't you have a nurse line you can call if you have health insurance?
Or maybe you can ask your doctor for advice over the phone.

Granny Primark
17-08-12, 04:54
My brother in law died last year of bowel cancer and trust me the colour of his poo wasnt a symptom. Try and stop worrying pse. And never google. I was a care worker for 20 years and ive seen poo in every colour you can imagine other than blue or pink.

17-08-12, 08:00
im a health care assistant in a hopsital, and shouldn't be giving out info, but colour of poo is not a sign. Ive had it before exactly as emma is saying, lasted a few months, i think i finally stopped worrying about it and checking it, you can become obsessed! and if we all looked into things we would find something to panic about. EMMA YOU ARE WASTING YOUR LIFE YOU DO NOT HAVE CANCER. ask you dr about going on an anti depressent.......it REALLY helped me. ive had blood, mucus all sorts in my poo!! My dr wasnt worried in the slightest!! chill xx

18-08-12, 16:48
Thanks the thought that your wasting life is horrible lol.... Today I had a huge patch of light brown / yellow and a dot of blood in it . Was wondering I wasn't anxious at all before my 1st dodgy bowel m and they've carried on since also I've been going more often which is a worry I only doubt it's anxiety because I wasnt anxious at all before 1st dodgy movement and Ot bought back my anxiety can someone explain that lol

---------- Post added at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ----------

It's nice to know I'm not the only one with strange colours but what about More frequent going from once a week to every day / every other day since dodgy movement

---------- Post added at 16:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

Also last my appetite complete ate a sandwich today not hungry at all. Feel tired to my appetite was fine till today

---------- Post added at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------

Also last few days has this thing where I walk and then I feel like I've stumbled and fallen backwards .

18-08-12, 17:18
Some times you can get a little tear inside or just outside, when you poop cause the red dot.
It happened me years ago and freaked me out of course. I got some cream from the doctors but it still happens every so often. So use wet wipes or make sure you really clean after going to the bathroom.

If your anxiety is high you will be feeling off balance and getting random symptoms, plus you'll also be more aware of your body/mind too as anxiety can make you all hyper alert.

18-08-12, 20:04
Thanks I hope so lol!!! The big patches of yellow/light brown are horrible . I want to know were my appetite has gone today lol! It was fine yesterday!!!!!

---------- Post added at 17:59 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

I see the docs in a few weeks can't wait!

---------- Post added at 20:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

just getting some pains in central back now
i knew a girl who had pains in back was cancer and she died

19-08-12, 16:30
Feel the need for the loo again today- I go once a week normally since this started far more often!!! This is doing my head in . I keep pulling at my hair and pinching my self in frustration then worry I'll go bald lol!!

20-08-12, 18:58
what if its not cancer but some other diesese?
I wasn't anxious at all before my 1st dodgy bowel m and they've carried on since I wasnt anxious at all before 1st dodgy movement and Ot bought back my anxiety can someone explain that lol
yesteday was normal with a yellow nugget looking thing in it lol

---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:38 ----------

also got a mild uncomfy pain were appendix is roughly

26-08-12, 18:25
What about a tummy ulcer as I burp a lot aswell..... And two years ago before anxiety I had excruciating tummy pains everyday were I could not walks

26-08-12, 18:57
Emma i remember you were prescribed citalopram a while back to help with your anxiety, are you still taking this? xx

26-08-12, 22:07
I was yes I tried but before they could work couldn't bear taking them

26-08-12, 23:06
Emma, you really do not have bc. Firstly you are young and it would be so so so rare for anyone under 20 or probably under 30 to get bc. Secondly, you are going more often bcos of your anxiety. When I'm in anxiety mode I go all the time. Thirdly, the reason your poi is light coloured is probably down to it going through your system so much quicker than normal, if you were only going once a week before then there would be a huge change in colour, plus lots of things u eat change the colour of poo. Also, are you sure you saw blood in pop, could it have been tomato, peppers as these are bright red and can be mistaken for blood, or have you eaten
Beetroot??? Take care and try not to focus on it. Louise.