View Full Version : im sick of feeling like i do!!!!!!!

03-08-12, 17:03

iv had enough of feeling tired and jus not my self all the bloody time!!!:weep: i jus want to feel like myself again!! im constantly thinking that iv got something wrong with me! i cant get it out of my head that i aint got cancer or summit! my legs ache all the time, but im not sure if im jus making it up in my head!!
its controlling my life! its ruining my relationship with my bf cos i dont want to have sex any more, does any one else have simular problems???
i dont know who else to talk to :weep:

03-08-12, 17:14

Have a read through and you will quickly see you are not alone. There are many of us that feel the same.

The only encouragement I can give is that it has affected me for a very long time and I have gotten used to most of it and learned to ignore.

I still panic about certain things but I cope most of the time.

I try to remember, if I go to the doc and he says I'm ok, then I have to believe him and put the symptoms down to anxiety.

05-08-12, 14:18
Yes, I get it I don't know why my wife hasn't left me. She is upbeat all the time and I am constantly going to the doctor with a new scare. Most of the time thinking I got cancer or something else deadly. I can't offer any help all I can do is say you are not alone and I feel for you. My doctor just shakes his head and smiles every time I ask him to tell me it is not something dreadful. He is a great guy.

05-08-12, 15:50
You are definately not alone. I feel terrible most of the time and im convinced I have cancer, have managed to convince myself that I am riddled with it:-( every new pain I feel I think that's it spreading. To me it makes sense and feels so real but to rational people im sure it sounds ridiculous. Keep fighting and remeber there is always support on here xx