View Full Version : Worried about a heart attack

03-08-12, 19:35
i am getting a bit worried about having a heart attack. I am 43 and my father had his first one at 38. I take medication for blood pressure and propranolol for anxiety and panic attacks. My home life is very stressful mainly due to my 16 year old son. He frequently flies into rages mainly directed at me. Having grown up with an aggressive older brother I stand my ground but the whole situation makes my heart pound and I worry that the time will come when I have a heart attack. How likely is it that stress will cause a heart attack? My cholesterol is ok and I am maybe a stone and a half overweight. Any thoughts gratefully received

03-08-12, 21:47
Stress can contribute to heart problems so please try and keep that at a minimum.

Unfortunately none of us can predict the future, all we can do is take care of the present - healthy lifestyle etc.

Have the Docs done an ECG at all recently for you?

05-08-12, 00:03
I have always had a fear of having a heart attack, my mum died at 38 and my dad was 57 when he died, I also have a stressful homelife and have been checked out numerous times when having convinced myself panic attacks were heart attacks, the doctor reassures me regularly that although family history is one factor, I can control other ones, I dont smoke, and I am now trying to eat more healthily and deal with stress better. I also take medication for blood pressure and cholesterol just in case and a daily aspirin, but the main thing for me is knowing Im in control over most of the risk factors, diet exercise and stress, I cant do anything about genes and if I have syptoms that worry me I see my GP, and EVEN if I did have a heart attack theres no saying that I couldnt survive it and still be ok.:)

05-08-12, 00:28
I survived a heart attack Eileen

05-08-12, 09:16
Thank you all for your replies. You are of course all quite right that I need to do everything I can to minimise the risk. My father was a smoker and I have never smoked in my life but I could lose some weight and exercise more.

Thanks again for your input