View Full Version : am i ok or what?

22-07-06, 04:03
for 4to 5 days i was experiencing 15+ PAs a day, but for the past 5 days ive been PA free. i was wondering if its normal to go that many days w/o having them(assuming i have a disorder), or were they just triggered PA's and ill never have them again. i know my posts may sound stupid but im wondering if i dont have a disorder. does anyone elso go that long w/o having them only to expierience more? thanks



22-07-06, 04:28

PA's are interesting in this respect.. in fact the longest I ever went without having a PA was 4 years and then one day on the Thruway out of the clear blue I had one it came completely without warning..

So in answer to your question yes.. there are periods of time you can go without them.. I've had 4 relapses in 20 years each one after a period of not having attacks at all..

And honestly the only one who can diagnose panic disorder fully is a professional.. have you consulted with your doctor over this as of yet? They can offer alot of good insight as well as medications if you are definately suffering from PD.

Take Care and Good Luck

22-07-06, 16:26
Hi Richard i had them for a while four years ago and then went three years without having any until last October. Then on and off for about 4 months then clear agin from jan to may. No rhyme or reason!!

Take care

'This too will pass'

polly daydream
22-07-06, 20:16
Hi Richard, in my experience they defo come and go, I can go for years without having one and then go through a period with them none stop.

Best wishes,


23-07-06, 11:18
Hi richard, In my opinion panics come and go too.I used to have loads through the day and now I can usually go for weeks without one.

Take care

