View Full Version : Arm pain with anxiety? Or something bad?

03-08-12, 22:16
I always get pain in my left arm only. Yesterday it was getting a bit worse although I didn't feel overly anxious. When I was in bed, it was almost as if someone had the top of my arm was squeezing it, like pressure, with some aching and shooting pains all day today. Is this anything to do with anxiety? I always worry that arm pain is something to do with my heart:( I've had ecg's and an echocardiogram done which came back fine.

03-08-12, 23:04
it is more likely back related to be honest.

The only time you get arm pain in relation to the heart is when you are having a heart attack

03-08-12, 23:17
Yeah I was thinking about it being back related. I do have some problems with my back but every time I go to the doctors concerning it they just tell me to take paracetamol and come back in a few weeks -.- I've never mentioned the arm pain though just leg pain. It's too expensive to see someone privately.

Yeah I know that's what I worry about. Even though It's kinda obvious I'm not having heart attack I still worry!

03-08-12, 23:23
I am going to see an osteopath for my problems I think

03-08-12, 23:29
Yeah I was thinking about osteopathy too, is it as expensive though? What type of back problems do you have? I know I have a curve at the bottom of my spine causing sciatica, and something at the top but I'm not sure what that is, probably something misaligned.

03-08-12, 23:43
I have not been diagnosed with a problem but I am pretty sure it is that cos I only get my numb arms/hands in bed at night and my lower calf too.

They are pretty good at sorting things out.

My mum reckons it is about £30-£40 a session but I am going to see doc on 21st Aug to see if they can refer me on the NHS

04-08-12, 00:15
Oh around the same price then. I don't think they do chiropractors or osteopaths on the NHS, although you can get physiotherapy which is basically the same. I was looking into doing that too! Tell me how it goes with the doc.

04-08-12, 00:19
I had physio and it didn't work and I had hydrocortisone injections too

04-08-12, 01:49
Aww that's sad to hear that they didn't work. Hopefully the osteopath will be able to sort it out.

04-08-12, 01:52
Yeah I hope so then I can sleep better at night - maybe lol

04-08-12, 04:22
Haha yup I know that feeling well!

I'm starting to panic again :( the pain came on really strong, like a burning feeling with some shooting pains, so I was stupid and went on google! Now I'm scared its something heart related :(

04-08-12, 08:47
I have pains in my left arm only this is how i first had my panic attack 3 years ago it could be anxiety related but also could be a pinched nerve i have one in my neck which causes so many symmtoms eg. pain in arm and sometimes gets really, dizziness, headaches, tense neck and head. all related to pinched nerve and anxiety. x

04-08-12, 17:23
I was also thinking pinched nerve, but I just panic about things like angina or problems with my veins/arteries. The pain is hard to describe, it's like a strange cold/burning sensation with some shooting pains. The other day it was pressure, like someone was squeezing my arm. Sometimes the pain goes into my hand and my little finger and the one next to it. The pains is also a bit around my shoulder and my neck. Does that sound nerve related to you?

I do get upper back ache sometimes too.

04-08-12, 22:51
i get left hand / arm numbness / tingling. It's deffo nerve related / uveruse (from exercise / job) and probably ulna nerve impigngment. Personallly i think neck muscles get stressed so tighten and then go all the way down the arm and get gtrapped in the elbow. cycling makes it worse too. google 'cyclists palsy'. i just got my bike adjustened and it should help. also sleeping laying on the arms doesn't hekp. few yrs back, i used to wake up every morning with dead arms. stupidly i just ignored all this stuff 'cause i thoought i deserved it and must be doing soemthing wrong' DOH!!!!!

hope this helps someone xxxx

04-08-12, 23:40
I'm not sure if it is that exactly with me, as the pain is also above my elbow as well as below it. I suppose the nerve could be pinched higher up.

05-08-12, 16:45
I woke up this morning and my arm is killing me! I think I slept on it last night too. If I touch the under side of my forearm lightly I get a horrible pain in it! I hope its nothing to do with arteries or clots etc :(

05-08-12, 20:50
I no exactly were ur coming from I get this and its horrible and distressing :( hope ur ok xxx

06-08-12, 21:34
Aww Gemma, sad to hear you're suffering from the same. Although it is kind of reassuring that others are having similar to me. Atleast I know I'm not going mad haha.

06-08-12, 21:47
Hi, that's really strange, you are describing the exact symptoms that have been scaring me the most for the last coupe of months.
I am so afraid of it that only when I think about it I feel the pressure/sensation building up in my upper left arm, shoulder and close to the neck. I have to block my thoughts to actually stop the symptoms from developing.
It is most peculiar.
Sometimes I feel like needles, sometimes it's like someone is actually squeezing my upper arm. I now refuse to wear my handbag on my left shoulder to avoid any sort of symptoms in that area of my body:((
Have you tried to hold your arms up, does it hurt when you do? I was trying to plait my hair a few weeks ago, Bly held my left arm up for a bit and it started hurting really bad, freaked me out:(((

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:45 ----------

And more recently I get this sharp pain under my arm, in my armpit, as if someone is slowly pulling a hair with a tweezer. I know it sounds dumb but it's scary.

06-08-12, 21:55
it sounds like nerve related to me, my neck muscle are tight too and i have pains in my left arm below my elbow into my thumb and it makes me feel sick too i panic too which makes the symmptoms worse. go to your doctor and tell him about it. i tend to ask the doctor now could it b this could it be that etc so im ruling it out in my own mind it works for me. hope you get it sorted x

07-08-12, 00:21
Hi, that's really strange, you are describing the exact symptoms that have been scaring me the most for the last coupe of months.
I am so afraid of it that only when I think about it I feel the pressure/sensation building up in my upper left arm, shoulder and close to the neck. I have to block my thoughts to actually stop the symptoms from developing.
It is most peculiar.
Sometimes I feel like needles, sometimes it's like someone is actually squeezing my upper arm. I now refuse to wear my handbag on my left shoulder to avoid any sort of symptoms in that area of my body:((
Have you tried to hold your arms up, does it hurt when you do? I was trying to plait my hair a few weeks ago, Bly held my left arm up for a bit and it started hurting really bad, freaked me out:(((

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:45 ----------

And more recently I get this sharp pain under my arm, in my armpit, as if someone is slowly pulling a hair with a tweezer. I know it sounds dumb but it's scary.

That sounds like exactly what mine is like! Mine even goes right up my neck. It's so painful and really scary, no painkillers have helped me either. I'm going to go back to my doctor in a few days if it hasn't gone and see what he thinks.

it sounds like nerve related to me, my neck muscle are tight too and i have pains in my left arm below my elbow into my thumb and it makes me feel sick too i panic too which makes the symmptoms worse. go to your doctor and tell him about it. i tend to ask the doctor now could it b this could it be that etc so im ruling it out in my own mind it works for me. hope you get it sorted x

Yeah I was thinking about it being a nerve problem, as I do have some problems with my back as it is, which could be pressing on a nerve or something or it could be muscle related pressing on a nerve. Well, I'm hoping it is that and nothing serious. When I'll go I'll ask about it being nerve related and see what he says :) if he thinks its to do with my back I might ask for physio, as I'm constantly in some sort of pain related to it!

07-08-12, 04:54
I just had the most excruciating pain in my upper back, to the point where it made me feel sick :( it radiated all around my ribs. I wonder if it is related to my arm and my back is where it is trapped? In so much pain right now trying to lay down but every position hurts :(