View Full Version : Hi all- newbie :)

03-08-12, 23:46
Hi everyone :), I'm quite new to this so not exactly sure where to start. I have had depression and anxiety since my teens and struggled through the last ten years or so whilst it has been getting progressively worse. I always thought that I just had an up-down personality and that I was somehow like a freak or weak or had a personality problem and that's why I go through the things I do. It wasn't until university that I realised I had anxiety, and it is this that gives me such distorted thought processes and makes me worry so much. I learnt to deal with it recently by physically exhausting myself, being busy every second of the day, and exercising a lot as when I stop, that's when I panic. I am laid up with a broken leg at the minute though and my incapacity has given the anxiety a lot of room to manifest. I generally do quite well, have a good social life and steady job but these horrible thought processes make my life hell and I constantly feel guilty for thinking the way I do and fight a constant battle. I've been to the doctors once, years ago about it and she told me to write a diary about the way I feel... didn't really help lol. Anyway rant over, rather than accepting this as something that's my fault and down to outside circumstances, I've decided I'm not putting up with it any more and I'm going to go to the doctors again next week.

Thanks for listening and I hope to find advice form people who have battled similar things :)

03-08-12, 23:50
Good for you ..... I to am not taking anymore ... Let our battles begin :bighug1:

03-08-12, 23:57
Hi Sparkles77

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.