View Full Version : Just when I thought things were looking up.....

03-08-12, 23:58
Haven't been on since January, things seemed to be getting better, good days and really, really bad days but not the horrendous never ending downward spirals of anxiety like I had last year. I am a long time 20+ years sufferer of HA, emetophobia (fear of being sick) And really severe panic attacks too. Anyway, as I said I really was feeling like I was beginning to see a little glimpse of light at the end of this very dark tunnel until......We've booked to go home (uk) for 3 weeks leaving next Friday, I currently live in the middle east, posted here with husbands job, I hate flying so that's problem number 1. The other problems centre around the countless viruses the kids and I are likely to contract on the plane, then to really finish me off, my mum called me this eve to make sure the children and I were fully upto date on whooping cough vaccines as there have been a lot of cases reported locally at home. Came on here to post, was reading a couple of other threads, one relating to a bowel issue, quite a few posts mentioned 'a bug' going round in the uk this is my number 1 phobia. I just feel exhausted already by the sheer overwhelming amount of anxiety I'm subjecting myself too. I just feel like I can't go backwards, I know how dark and terrifying it is to be so consumed with worry. Why can I not just be rational, reason with myself? Instead I'm 4 nights into no sleep, it's 2am here and my baby will be awake within 3 hours, all my digestive issues have flared up, which makes me think I've contracted some terrible disease or worse! I just wish I knew how to live a life with these issues, I can't keep literally falling off the bandwagon and into despair every time anything happens or changes in my life or I will never ever enjoy anything. Any advice out there?

04-08-12, 19:08
Have you tried cognative therapy books like Stop Worrying, Start Living by Richard Carlson, or Feeling Good New Mood Therapy by Dr David Burns?

They can help you look at your fears more rationally. I found them useful. The Carlson book is a bit Claire Weekes-ish in that it helps you to float through anxiety and see negative thoughts as something that you can acknowledge but let drift by without paying too much attention.