View Full Version : Anyone awake?

04-08-12, 00:37
Having serious melt down, anyone there?

04-08-12, 00:41
Hey Hun, are you ok? Kitti :)

04-08-12, 00:42
trying going in chat room

04-08-12, 00:47
I'm on iPad and it won't let me download the java thingy to open chat room?

04-08-12, 00:49
What's the problem, can I help?

04-08-12, 00:52
I posted earlier under a thread entitled 'just when things were looking up' I'm so stressed out and anxious, which really irritates my husband so Im now pacing around downstairs trying not to panic which unsurprisingly makes me feel more anxious. Sometimes I just get really fed up of being like this, it's almost 3am and I'm not going to get any sleep for another night this week

04-08-12, 00:53
I'm awake ... R u ok x

04-08-12, 00:58
Hi Jaycee, just having one of those nights, really fed up and so ridiculously anxious, doesn't matter how many times I've been here before and survived to tell the tale, I can't seem to convince myself I'm ok

04-08-12, 01:02
Aww, read your other post...it's a lot to deal with hun. I really feel for you. I know you fear the tummy bug thing, but be rational here, anxiety always gives me that churning upset tummy feeling...could it just be anxiety playing tricks? Also the lack of sleep won't help you as you know. Pacing will only make you focus on your anxieties and you'll feel worse, you are probably trying to work off all that excess adrenalin. Take a few deep breaths, have a drink of water and try to focus on all the good things. I understand it's not easy and sorry I can't help you anymore. I just hope you will be able to rationalise your thoughts. Thats all they are, worrying thoughts. Everything will be ok. Take care and thinking of you :hugs: Kitti x

04-08-12, 01:02
Your right it's hard to focus when your feeling this ..... I normally try to Focus on clearing my mind ... It's a technech I learned may years ago and I've never lost a nights sleep since ... It's not instant but with persistance it works .. You need to distract your mind by focusing on something ... So you lay and relax close your eyes and note all noises you can hear eg clock fridge ect then you bring yr mind to your breathing with out controlling it just allow your mind to follow it every time yr mind wonders off like a child in a super market without get angry calmly bring it back ... Maybe it can help xx

04-08-12, 01:12
In chat room

04-08-12, 01:14
Thanks so much for such kind words ladies, I really appreciate it. It can be very lonely dealing with all this, especially when there is no greater way to really irritate my husband then this, he has a zero tolerance policy on all this stuff which actually is really counterproductive as his attitude towards it all only fuels it! Jaycee thanks for the great tip, I'm going to try the technique you mentioned now, any sleep is better than none, right! Thanks again xxx

04-08-12, 01:36
What a shame your hubby is unable to support you in this. I know it can be hard for our loved ones to understand, but as you say it doesn't help and is counterproductive for you. I hope you manage to clear the anxious thoughts and get some well deserved sleep. Take care, Kitti x

05-08-12, 02:31
Get in the chat room people :)