View Full Version : Found something in food feel ill now.

04-08-12, 04:25
Well i had a pasty a few days ago and found something that seemed crunchy like a small rock (or something of that effect).

I have felt ill for the last few days (pain in stomach,feeling nausea(Not vomited) now i dunno if its playing on my mind and my anxiety is causing the sickness and pain and was it what i crunched (Which i spat out) and found bit of it.

i do have IBS but i dunno if that could come on so sudden as i have felt finbe from it from months and it does seem abit of a coincedence that i feel ill after chewing on what ever it was.

Anywho should i go see a doctor? Or should i try and ride what ever is going on out?

Thank you for any reply x

05-08-12, 15:42
I sincerely doubt it is that causing the nausea. I would guess that it's more because you're anxious about it. I have had food poisoning and you dont just feel nauseous. I hope it passes soon :)