View Full Version : Fed up of feeling sick!

04-08-12, 09:29
I'm on day 19 on flux, and so fed up of feeling sick/nausea everyday.
Mornings are worse, I'm hardly eating and feel tired all the time. Is this normal and will it pass.

04-08-12, 11:10
Hi Spawn

I am about the same time on fluox 20mg as you - about day 18/19. I wake up with my heart racing, I have to go to the toilet to empty my bowels and then have dry retching becasue I feel really sick. It hasn't helped mornign anxiety at all up to now.

I am also really struggling to get up in a morning as I feel drugged up and it is taking me ages to come around. I feel better in the afternoons but then take my tablet after evening meal and then go a bit down hill again with the tiredness.

I know I was really anxious and low before taking these but at the moment I feel no better. All the posts I have read says give it 4-6 weeks and I go back to the Doc in a couple of weeks time so I will see what he thinks.

05-08-12, 21:31
Really struggling with this now. I feel so ill and sick. Don't know what to do. Should I stop taking them if thy make me feel this bad?

06-08-12, 02:24
Give them at least 5-6 weeks - the side effects wore off in the middle of week 5 in my case (third time round!). If things are really bad you could speak with your doctor - you can get liquid prozac which lets you take 10mg or less per day, or you may be able to take one every two days or so until your system gets used to them.

06-08-12, 08:21
I'm so anxious today... Feel sick with worry. I'm waiting for gp to phone me.

06-08-12, 11:55
I haven't felt good today either, had to get up early which really set me back, came home and got in bed for an hour and woke in a panic and had dry retching again. I decided to take a beta blocker that the doc prescribed to try top help, but now I feel bit tired and spacy as well as sick.
I so want to give the fluox a good go but I am getting a bit fed up with it all and scared that I will always feel this way on or off the tabs. Sometimes I don't know if it is me or the tabs that is giving me such high anxiety. Just coming up for 3 weeks on them now.
Did doc ring you back Spawn?
How you feeling now?

06-08-12, 12:34
Hi, I have been on fluoxetine for a month (10 mg), and now I have increased the dose to 20 mg. The anxiety is back, and I feel awful. I really can relate to your posts. I feel so alone, but when I read your posts I realize I am not the only one going through this.

06-08-12, 12:48
Hi Piano, It is a lonely business when you feel so bad, It's hard to explain to anyone who hasn't had panic/anxiety etc how you feel. It is good to know that there are sites like this to make you feel a little reassured. I really hate taking any medication and it is only the last year that I have felt the need to do something but the tablet on I was on last year had too many side effects that didn't go compared to the relief they were giving me. Hence the reason for trying fluox.

06-08-12, 13:04
Hi purplepie, thank you for your post, I really needed to connect with someone in the same situation. :)

06-08-12, 17:41
Most antidepressants will have side effects to some extent, often making you more on edge or anxious as a result. It does seem tempting to stop them but persisting is well worth it - if you are not seeing any improvements after 6 weeks then it is time to speak to your doctor.

06-08-12, 19:00
Thank you, Emphyrio, for your encouraging post. Yes, I am really tempted to stop taking it. It feels like I will never get better.

Spawn: I had severe nausea during my second week of 10 mg of prozac, but then i started eating a biscuit when I took it instead of taking it on an empty stomach, and that seemed to help.

06-08-12, 22:31
Little update! The gp has recommended I go on 40mg a day for the next 3weeks and see how I am? I'm now taking metoclopramide to help the sickness.

07-08-12, 13:12
Spawn, how are you feeling today?

A little update on me: Had bad anxiety last night, couldn't sleep all night, my heart was pounding. I called a colleague of mine who is a doctor, and he told me to go back to 10 mg since it seemed that it was starting to work for me. So today I took only 10 mg, and I just feel a little bit on the edge. I hope, oh I hope, that I am on the right dosage!!! I still feel a little bummed out, this has been such a sad summer.

Sending you all hugs, I hope we all get better soon:hugs:

07-08-12, 13:25
Good to hear you're staying optimistic :) Sometimes even a low dosage can be enough - give it a few weeks and then you'll see whether you can remain on 10mg. I'm taking it primarily for obsessive thoughts - apparently some patients responded well to doses as low as 5mg a day when they didn't respond at all to higher doses. Everyone's body and mind work differently.

I find when I'm on edge, little things like a cup of chamomile tea or a brisk walk can really help. I'm also taking a mild herbal sedative which helps calm me down somewhat.

07-08-12, 15:49
So I'm now on 40mg isn't this to high? I'm having really bad time today.

08-08-12, 11:35
Why did the doctor increase the dose to 40 mg?

Sending hugs to you all :hugs:

08-08-12, 12:29
After 4 weeks I have come off 20mg as I wasn't coping well on it at all and after telephone consult with doc, we have gone with clomipramine, an older type AD. I started first small dose yesterday and hoping the anxiety from the fluox will calm soon.

08-08-12, 12:32
Dear purplepie, did your doctor suggest you could try 10 mg of fluoxetine?

Dear Emphyrio (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=12567), Thank you for your encouraging post! I went out and bought camomile tea as you suggested. What kind of mild herbal sedative are you taking?

It seems that i am coping better. I counted the weeks I have been on fluoxetine, and I am in my fifth week now. I still feel uneasy until about noon, but it is more sadness and not really anxiety. I hope this also will pass. I am really looking forward to starting cognitive therapy in two weeks.

08-08-12, 12:40
Hi said that reducing the dose to him seemed a bit pointless as the theraputic dose is at least 20mg in his experience of prescribing prozac. He thinks it is more that maybe they don't suit me and my own anxiety is high as opposed to it being the tablets. I am just really confused with it all.

08-08-12, 12:50
I talked on the phone with my doctor today, and he said I should just stick with 10 mg if it seemed to help. My colleague who is a medical doctor said the same thing.

08-08-12, 17:47
Hi again, today I tried to go to work, and it went well, I just had a little background anxiety. BUT when I came home and made dinner, I just ate a little bit, and then I got severely depressed. I went to bed and was feeling terrible for an hour. I wanted to call my doctor since I am suspecting that I my be on the wrong medication after all. Feeling a little bit better now. This is my fifth week on fluoxetine. Why do I suddenly feel so low?

08-08-12, 21:40
Piano ive been the same as you, but my anxiety has increased alot since jumping to 40mg, and ive been feeling so ill. I went to gp today and im coming off flux,we think they dont agree with me, ive been given mirtazapine to go on next, although im trying to go without any meds for a while, as im so fed up with side effects of all these drugs!

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

Why did the doctor increase the dose to 40 mg?

Sending hugs to you all :hugs:

Because ive been feeling high anxiety and been feeling sick etc?

08-08-12, 22:04
I have a doctors appointment next Tuesday, then I will discuss the medication with him. Today I wanted to stop taking fluoxetine cold turkey. Sometimes I feel poisoned from it.

Spawn, I hope you feel better soon:)

09-08-12, 21:39
Hi piano and Spawn. I have started on clomipramine just 30mg to start and its only day 2, so early days. My anxiety has been terrible and I do think it is more me than the medication but at least with the Clom, it gives you constipation rather than me running to the toilet in a morning on the fluoxetine ( sorry to be so graphic).
I went to the doc this morning and she has prescribed 2mg of diazapam for if it gets to much. I don't really want to take these at all but at least I know they are there which might help a little. my thoughts gt so negative when anxiety hits as you just think it will never end.
Keep me updated on your progress.
How are you getting on the with the mirtazapine spawn?

09-08-12, 21:59
Dear Purplepie, I am sending you a big hug:hugs:I hope you wont struggle so much with the side effects this time. Hang in there.

Today I think the fluoxetine kicked in. I have been on it for 5 weeks. I had a nice feeling until about 5-6 pm, then it felt like it was wearing of and I felt lethargic and a little worried. I am thinking of upping the dose tomorrow, I take 10 mg each morning, and I think I will try to take 5 mg in the afternoon as well. I just hope it will work out fine and that it wont make me anxious.

10-08-12, 14:42
Very tired today. Has been in bed for hours. A bit disappointing since I felt quite good yesterday.

---------- Post added at 15:42 ---------- Previous post was at 13:19 ----------

So I took an extra 5 mg fluoxetine 1 1/2 hours ago. Now I feel nervous. I am so sick of this!!!!

12-08-12, 18:38
I've been anxious almost all weekend after I took the extra 5 mg on Friday. So I decided to stick with 10 mg. I also have stomach problems and I am sweating and freezing at the same time. Will this never end?

12-08-12, 21:32
Update on myself, after going cold turkey on fluox after almost 4 weeks, im feeling alot better! :)
I also went to a chinese doc, and had acupuncture and was given 2 lots of chinese medicine, in 36 hrs ive completely had a turn around and dont feel anxious at all... im completely shocked! and very happy! It seems the fluox def did not agree with me!!