View Full Version : Feeling terrible this morning - help!

04-08-12, 09:56
Hi, I'm on my fourth day of Cipralex and feeling so rough this morning. I'm working at home on the computer and keep finding that my eyes are literally closing with drowsiness - if I lie down for ten minutes' nap I wake with an electric shock of fear. Dry mouth, nausea, diarrhoea - I know rationally these are all side effects and will pass, but my goodness it's difficult to keep going. Would appreciate any support from someone who has come out on the other side from these awful symptoms.

04-08-12, 10:31
Hi Goldfinch.

I am back on Cipralex for a second time and sadly the side effects for me were a little worse than you are going through just now.

However, on the bright side, they will go away. it takes 5 to 7 days for cipralex to load up to a stable dose amount in your system. It is during this time that the side effects are the worst if you have them. They will start to slowly ease off from day 8 onwards and after 2 weeks you should be out the other side.

I would recommend going to see your doctor and explaining that the side effects are causing worse anxiety and can you get a one week course of Diazepam. The course i was given was 15 2mg tablets of Diazepam to be taken 3 a day for 5 days.

This was an absolute Godsend and got me through the side effects.

Do everything you can to stick with it as Cipralex is bloody great once it kicks in. Get an emergency appointment with a doc and ask for the same amount of Valium and in the same dose as I got.

PM me for my home phone number and I'll talk you through the worst times if need be.

04-08-12, 10:58
Hi Donny,

Thanks, it's brilliant to be given some reassurance. Luckily I still do have some 2 mg diazepam left from last year (it's in date!) so I will try that. I guess I may feel even more dopey but it will be better than this horrible anxiety. And I have an appointment booked with my GP next week so can get some more if need be. So just to be nosy, what were your side effects like? Just in case mine get even worse!! Also thanks for the offer of home number, I may well take you up on that.

04-08-12, 11:09
Trust me when I say you don't want to know.

The reason I say this is that the symptoms you read about on here have a habit of becoming your symptoms; as your subconscious screws with you and converts them to physical symptoms.

The best thing to do is list your symptoms on this site one by one and ask if anyone else has had them.

everyone will help...

04-08-12, 11:23
A very good point!

05-08-12, 14:45
I'd suggest talking to your doctor to see what they think. If that's not possible, try to stop taking it or take something else. Try to check out different things to see what is best for your body.

05-08-12, 22:17
I'd suggest talking to your doctor to see what they think. If that's not possible, try to stop taking it or take something else. Try to check out different things to see what is best for your body.

Joe, why on earth would someone want to stop taking an ssri after only 4 or 5 days?

Sue, this guys blog is a bit light on expertise and substance and seems a bit selling-himself to me.

Stick with it and try to follow the advice I gave you. You will get there...

05-08-12, 23:30
Sue, I'm thinking of you and hope that your symptoms subside soon and you start to feel the benefits :hugs:

Be kind to yourself :flowers: and keep us posted on your progress :)

07-08-12, 07:26
Hi Goldfinch, I hope you can overcome what you're going through right now. I'll pray for you:)

07-08-12, 08:10
Hi all, thanks for your support. It's day 7 now and I'm still feeling nauseous and anxious in the mornings, but I saw my GP yesterday and have another prescription for diazepam. I find if I take 2 mg around 5 am it takes the edge off the panic and I can at least doze for a bit. She's also referring me for CBT, though there is a long waiting list I think it will be a long project to get over this and learn the skills to cope with life's anxieties and uncertainties. Hopefully in another week things will have started to improve...

07-08-12, 09:32
Thinking of you and sending you hugs :bighug1: