View Full Version : Expressing this.

04-08-12, 13:11
I don't know. I don't understand.
This is how I feel.
I seem unable to cope with every day life. I can't tolerate any bad feeling anymore, I don't know how people do. I have no clue what I'm meant to feel. How could it be possible to feel alright about things? People seem to just get on with it and I don't know how.
Everything is running away from me, escaping me. Everything will end.
I live on the edge of I know not what.
My mind plays frequent tricks on me.
I don't know how to keep battling this.
I often feel I want rescue.

I often feel I want it all to stop.

04-08-12, 13:50
Remember something important...it is a viewpoint. You can look at this as a challenge, a game, or the ineveitable end of your existance, but you are thinking of it as the latter as you are in a bad place. It is how you look at things, this is so important.
Who am I? I am another viewpoint for your life, I am not you so I can look at your situation another way. I say that you can get through this, you are in the middle of a storm and you are struggling to find the edge. I think that things could be a lot better for you if you were to stop looking at the negetives and focus on the positives and your goal, but you have to ome to this realisation yourself, I cannot tell you how to feel. But I am another viewpoint, and there are many other viewpoints out there waiting to be explored.

04-08-12, 13:54
Well done for saying how you feel angel

I feel exactly the same way on a day to day basis but I know things will get better anxiety is a horrible evil thing but stay strong and do NOT let it beat you be kind to yourself and think tomorrow I may feel better

try and have some food and water and deep breathing and tell the anxiety to f off you don't want it

much love
