View Full Version : Not a good day!

04-08-12, 16:49
It definitely isn't! Started off ok but the right side of my head now feels tight, my eye is full, my neck is stiff, my right arm feels weak, have a shooting pain going down my left arm & my speech is slurry! When does it end. I really need to get a grip on this because I booked my holiday today & I go in 5 weeks. The only thing that will ruin it is if these 'bleeping' symptoms carry on. The symptoms cause my anxiety & I feel like I can't control them - they just happen! So fed up today. X

04-08-12, 17:58
Hugs for you Meche. Like you may not even feel anxious and then these symptoms come out of nowhere which then cause the anxiety cycle to start, its so hard to deal with. Its very hard but if these symptoms are infact due to the underlying anxiety youve just got to try and ignore them to break the cycle, easier said then done.

Ive got a feeling like my limbs are not attached to my body and that im floating above myself at the moment and im just trying to ignore it which isnt great.

Come in the chat room if you fancy a chat :)