View Full Version : Monophobia/Agorophobia

22-07-06, 11:51
Hi everyone hope you are all coping with this adverse weather - I am trying to but can feel those familiar 'wobblies' lurking in the background. I suffer from monophobia and agorophobia and during the last week or so have found it harder and harder to cope without taking tablets. The agorophobia I am coping with but its the being alone thats the hardest. I only joined this site a few days ago and as yet havent found anyone else who suffers from monophobia. I dont know if that means I havent found the right posts or that I am in the minority :D. Still since logging on to NoMorePanic I can honestly say I seem to have found a calmer me. So thank you all for being so honest with your posts.

Take care everyone

Clare :)

22-07-06, 15:53

You may like to mail "blossom" as she suffers from this. I will mail you her email address I am sure she won't mind. She is having problems getting on the forum at the moment.

I will find some others for you as well.


22-07-06, 16:03
Try these as well

hi all (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=11512)

Any monophobics here? (I'm new) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7609)

Monophobia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9123)


23-07-06, 08:17
Thank you Nicola, I'll email her asap. Being new to this site I'm not sure if I'm adding posts in the right Forums. Apologies if I muck up for a while.

Thanks again


23-07-06, 11:01
Hi Clare, I too suffer from monophpboia and agoraphobia and although my monophobia is getting better, it is still so difficult for me being alone.
I hope you start to feel better soon..

Take care



23-07-06, 12:18
A big welcome to the site Clare. :D

Although my main problem is panic attacks/agoraphobia I have had odd patches of not wanting to be on my own. This seemed to be when I was fairly new to the whole thing and had no idea what was really happening to me.

I am sure this will get better for you over time hun. I am a firm believer in the baby steps approach to overcoming the agoraphobia and wonder if you could apply that to the monophobia too.

How are you managing with that aspect at the moment?

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-07-06, 12:23
Hi Claire

I have monophobia - much to husband's chagrin!!! Try to arrange not to be alone very often but find myself going places I don't want to go just so that I'm not on my own. Also socialise with people I'm not particularly keen on just for company. Ho hum. I work full time so that takes care of my 'company' in the day but can be difficult in evenings if husband is working strange shift pattern. Don't know why I dislike being on my own but my imagination runs riot and I visualise all sorts of catastrophic events that will happen purely from being on my own and being discovered (possibly dead/murdered/freaked out) by someone who 'finds' me !!! Sounds a bit mad. I am around your age so we might have something in common!

Kay x

23-07-06, 12:30
monophobia, the being alone thing,right? Yes, i have that i think. I havent been alone in 4 years. i have for about 20 minutes or so, any longer, im flipping! but my mums slowly taking longer and im distracting myself while she's out. Plus, my therapist says my little walks, have to be alone. Because i crave independance. But i take the dog. No human, i know, but nobody looks daft talking to a dog!
Becci x

22-03-07, 22:51
Hi everyone hope you are all coping with this adverse weather - I am trying to but can feel those familiar 'wobblies' lurking in the background. I suffer from monophobia and agorophobia and during the last week or so have found it harder and harder to cope without taking tablets. The agorophobia I am coping with but its the being alone thats the hardest. I only joined this site a few days ago and as yet havent found anyone else who suffers from monophobia. I dont know if that means I havent found the right posts or that I am in the minority :D. Still since logging on to NoMorePanic I can honestly say I seem to have found a calmer me. So thank you all for being so honest with your posts.

Take care everyone

Clare :)
I have monophobia and agoraphobia and height phobia...

23-03-07, 16:04
I guess I suffer from monophobia too. Never knew that there was a name for it. My anxiety and panic attacks cause me to be that way. In December of last year I was so bad that I didn't want to be left alone so I went to work with my husband for a whole month. I was able to do that cause he owned his own business. I would have probably kept doing that but he started working for someone else so I have had to learn to stay by myself. Some days I can manage while other days are very dificult to deal for me to deal with. If you would like then you can always PM me.


23-03-07, 16:10
Hi Clare, I find it tough to cope this time of year, all will change once the sun decides to make a more permenant appearance. :blush:

Glad you have found us


23-03-07, 17:07
hello.. i use to suffer from monophobia, although i didn't know there was a name for it at the time... that was until 1st july last year... now i spend all day on my own and dont experiance any anxiety what so ever... so there is hope, you will get better, pm me if ya want

23-03-07, 22:19
hello.. i use to suffer from monophobia, although i didn't know there was a name for it at the time... that was until 1st july last year... now i spend all day on my own and dont experiance any anxiety what so ever... so there is hope, you will get better, pm me if ya want
I'm feeling very happy to hear positive posts :) ! So,how do you "beat" the monophobia ?
Actually i think the only way to beat it is to face the fear.Stay alone all day and thats all :).

24-03-07, 09:19
oh its a bit of a long story but,

i was living with my mum, living in her shadow, terrified to do anything or go anywhere without her, as for staying at home on my own, ha, would've rather ripped my own toenails out, no i'm being serious!!! then after a lot of hard times she decided to move out of the area to Llanddewi brefi (yes,the one off little britain), if anyone doesn't know its in the middle of nowhere... so i had two options, move with her, live a very very lonely life or move into a house down the road owned by a family friend and live there with 2 friends (GULP)... i had to do it, i didnt want to move away, but how??? it'd mean having to be at home on my own all day without anyone there and it'd also mean spending the evening in the presence of peole i didnt feel "safe" (whatever that means) with... one day i happened to be at home with my mum and my boyfriend was on his way to pick my up (i had previously lived with him but moved back in with mum cos he was away working in london during week)... he was late, as bl**dy always, the only difference was that this time it was important because my mum needed to go to get to an appointment, so she left, (OMG my heart is racing just thinking back at how i felt at that point.. lol), i was so so so terrified, although because i knew my (now ex) fella was on his way it seemed to make it a bit easier because my fear about being on my own was that something really bad might happen and i wouldnt be able to cope, im not exactly sure what i thought but i just knew i never wanted to risk it, so the fact this fella was on his way made it easier, anyway he turned up about 20 mins later, by the time he arrived all anxiety had gone and i just felt a MASSIVE sense of achievement. i started waiting at home while my mum picked up kids from school, the thing i experianced thats REALLY important to remember is this ~~~

the anticipation was always 1000 times worse, it really was, i'd be terrified to stay on my own, i'd panic as i saw her car go over the horizon but keep yourself busy and you realise its really not that bad, i promise, plus each time you do it it does get easier although you might not recognise it for a while

anyway, i also decided to go for hypnotherapy, to help not be so scared of being on my own, each time i left the session i felt great but to be honest i think it's just the exposure to the situation that made it easier, although maybe i wouldnt have had the courage to make the decision unless i had had hypnotherapy. by the time i moved to my new house my boyfriend and i had split up so i really was gonna be on my own (GULP)..

anyway almost a year later and i'm living with someone who've ive been madly in love with since i was 13 and amazingly he confessed his undying love for me too last year so now i live with him 30 miles away from old place and spend every day on my own,

now ive overcome that monophobia just need to sort out the agoraphobia.. lol

24-03-07, 09:39
Wow.That's a great story:yesyes:
Thank's for sharing !
And this post was a proof that facing the fears is the only way to beat them :yesyes:

24-03-07, 13:20
thanks, actually reading over that it is pretty cool to see how far i've come in a short space of time... im not sure i would've had the courage to do it unless i was put in a situation that MADE me face my fear though... thats the thing that i still find difficult, 'making myself do scary stuff'... if someone told me last july 'it would only take 9 months to get better if i started now' then i probably would've though 'f*ck it 9 months is a long time', but actually it has flown by and if you could've seen me then you'd know that if i can do it, ANYONE CAN.... yes, even YOU...

24-03-07, 13:33
i've just re-read the posts on this thread and thinking back to my hypnotherapy sessions and reflecting on them a bit and what i was like before i think they did really help actually... i remember doing this thing during my sessions where she'd get me into a really deep state of relaxation then slowly she'd talk me through the situation of being at home on my own and where i'd normally think about it i would've had an instant panic attack this time i remember she asked how i felt and i replied "bored"... all feelings of panic were eliminated, it just felt normal, and lets face it, spending time on our own should feel normal... im not saying i didnt feel some anxiety when it actually came to it but looking back i think it really did help just by giving me the courage and confidence just to BELIEVE IN MYSELF, and i think most of us on this site need a bit of 'believe on yourself' magic to help us alone a bit

26-03-07, 20:47
Hi, heres another monophobic + agaoraphobic to add to your collection!
dont worry! there is hope! the same as with the agaoraphobia its mostly down to practise + proving to yourself that you can cope.
my boyfreind is away on a course at the moment + Im currently starting my second week in a row of staying in the flat alone. in the past i would have gone to stay with someone overninght in this situation, and i was dreading being on my own, cos i didnt think id be able to cope if i had a panic attack alone and at first i was really on edge + jumpy all the time + feeling panicky a lot, but now that ive got used to it im ok + im actually starting to enjoy myself! i could be on the way to being cured of the monophobia thing, and if it can happen for me it can probably happen for anyone.
ive yet to work on going out alone though.

02-04-07, 22:30
Anyone got any techniques at over coming the panic when you are alone?? I can just about manage an hour at a push on my own.
Many thanks for any advice!!! My email if anyone wants to chat about the fear of being alone is:-


Simon x