View Full Version : anxiety in my new area/flat - ruining each day :(

05-08-12, 11:12
Hi all, I suffer with GAD and have been for the last few years - as commonly found, some of my anxietys become more serious than others. After renting for the past 5 years I decided to take a big step and buy my first property! I moved in to my third floor flat in May and they are newly built with some unoccupied. Due to this, it turned out that on my first day in the building I came across my first issue. Kids getting into the building smoking in the hallways. Obviously I was distraught about my safety and this is where the anxiety begun. I managed to get the maintenance company to change the locking mechanism on the building entry doors and that now does work a treat, however my anxiety has got progressively worse. Out of my windows I see young kids in the car park constantly mucking about - not necessarily always causing trouble but they concern me just being there. I fear going home, I fear looking out my windows so I end up closing all curtains. In general I feel I made a massive mistake and I've bought the place now and have no options any time soon. I end up sometimes not going home as I get scared to get home in case kids are in the car park - even though they are usually 8-12 year olds I am scared. This is ruining each day as soon as I wake up I fear leaving my flat and I know how ridiculous it sounds. Even wheni am home I constantly want to peak out the curtains and see what's happening + I am sensitive to every noise in case kids are trying to get in the building again. Not sure where the kids live or where a parents are but I wish I could just ignore the fact that they are there.

This is really ruining my life on top of all my other anxieties- any advice would be appreciated

Veronica H
05-08-12, 16:44
:bighug1:What a shame that this anxiety is spoiling the enjoyment of your new home. Could you contact your local police community support officer? I am sure they would keep an eye and ask the kids not to congregate there. Let us know how it goesxV