View Full Version : Feel like im falling to pieces .

05-08-12, 12:25
Ive posted a bit lately with one thing or another but i honestly feel like im falling apart. I cant seem to handle the symptoms on a daily basis . Im not sleeping or eating properly i was just playing with my kids and it felt like i had a pop in my head so that makes me panic and now i feel crap.ive had anxiety for 13 years after i had a stillborn little girl but i got control of it but in the last 4 years its come back and im struggling big time to get control of it again. I constantly think every ache and pain is life threatening and it is draining me. I have no support at home cause my partner shouts and me every time i try to talk to him about my fears . I just feel lost and alone and scared. Sorry for the long post

05-08-12, 12:47
Hi Ella,

I'm feeling very similar right now. I have not slept at all last night. My sleep has been poor all week. I think that this just amplifies how we are feeling and makes us less able to cope with our problems or function properly. We both need to rest and find the strength to battle on.:sleep:

You are not alone. :hugs: Be kind to yourself x

05-08-12, 20:53
Thanks for your reply. I want so much to just get back to normal and not worry all the time. I had ecg done not that long ago and it came back fine yet here i am with pain in chest not believe it not my heart . This sucks it really does

05-08-12, 23:33
Hi ella32, I can totally sympathise with you, I've been posting recently too as things have taken a downward spiral. I just feel so fed up and exhausted of being so anxious constantly. My husband isnt at all supportive and it's a constant cause of upset and tension in our house, as he has zero tolerance for any sickness physical or otherwise. I'm extremely conscious of passing this onto my children so I hope my awareness of this has made sure they are not aware of any of my problems. I worry because my mum is exactly the same, probably worse than i am, dare i say it! In the therapy Ive had in the past, I was told this is ''learnt behaviour' that I must have picked up as a child, so I pray I do not inflict this upon my own children. Things have improved in the past, so I always hold out faith that there's light at the end of the tunnel xxxx

05-08-12, 23:38
Are you getting any therapy like CBT?

05-08-12, 23:43
I feel exactly the same! My partner always says to me just stop thinking about it and just stop worrying if only he knew how I felt. I don't sleep either it takes me hours to doze off cause My mind is always thinking about things in my body then I think I'm going to die. It's the worst feeling ever and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Hope you find the strength to recover! :)

06-08-12, 00:02
Thanks everyone for the replies its just a constant battle. Im not having cbt but i am on week 5 of nlp which i was doing ok with but i dont even know wats gone wrong the last week or so. Its so hard to cope with symptoms on a daily basis and then the worry kicks in which makes it worse. I have a lot of fears health wise its always something. Im even begining to not trust the doc telling me it anxiety. Why am i tormenting myself thinking every chest pain is cardiac....... This sucks

06-08-12, 04:17
Hi ella, I think you need counseling, together with your husband. You need someone to talk to regarding with your feelings and the best way is to have an emotional therapy.

06-08-12, 20:47
I am a new member on this site but I came across your message. I hope things are better for you . What a shame your husband cant sympathize - whats the problem there ?

06-08-12, 22:27
Hi Ella. I can totally empathise with you. People who have never experienced anxiety cannot understand what we go through. I suffer with health anxiety but my friend recently was suffering with anxiety that she was having a mental breakdown and was going to be sectioned. I tried to reassure her that she was fine and couldn't understand why she wasn't believing me but she said the sane reason you don't believe me that you're not going to die! You have to walk the walk. It's so hard, my husband has recently told me to just get a grip and I vowed that day I wouldn't mention anything again but I'm not coping. So I totally understand how you're feeling. Maybe we both need to sit them down and have s proper chat. Sending hugs xx

07-08-12, 11:19
Thank you everyone for yere replies. I have tried talking to my partner but he either shouts or tells me get over it its easy. If it was that easy i think we all would do it. I just feel that im at rock bottom ritr now

07-08-12, 12:57
Ugh, I am so sorry. I am lucky to have a partner who is very considerate and trying hard to understand what it is like. As others have said, maybe couples therapy would be helpful. I also am wondering if you have been treated for PTSD? Losing a baby like that truly is traumatic and I would assume is expected for it to shake you up for many years. I am so sorry you went through that.