View Full Version : advice please?

05-08-12, 17:13
Hi everyone. A very common question, should I google? I have several symptoms of something I have convinced myself is something awful but deep down I know im not really sure these symptoms are linked? Im too scared to google in case it confirms my fears but then I think maybe it would make me feel better and show me that I'm wrong. God knows why I think im clued up enough to diagnose myself. I have been wrong so many times but I keep thinking, this time I might be right,I can't be wrong all the time. Sorry,having a bad day:-( any advice would be appreciated x

05-08-12, 17:43
DON'T DR GOOGLE!!!! look on here for symmtoms x

05-08-12, 21:46
I agree do not google it will only make things worse for you. Ive googled a few times and have scared the crap out of myself with what comes back. It doesnt reassure you

06-08-12, 14:04
Thanks guys. I'm not going to do it, i know i will only freak myself out:-( thanks for your advice x

06-08-12, 14:09
Don't google...if you are worried speak to your GP

06-08-12, 14:11
Don't google it all doom and gloom

06-08-12, 14:45
Hi Chris - don't do it! You will find the worst possible scenario which will send you into meltdown. I made this mistake when I first started having problems and absolutely convinced it made my anxiety so much worse. I now know symptoms of illnesses I never knew existed and it's etched on my brain! Now everytime I have any symptom I think 'tumour/stroke/MS' - amongst many others! Go and find something to do that will occupy your mind..... and step away from the computer :winks:! xx

06-08-12, 15:47
do not google!!! I wish I never ever did

06-08-12, 21:35
Thanks for your replies, I'm trying so hard not to google. Going to try and relax if that's even possible. Why oh why can't this all just go away, I don't feel like I'm living a life, feel like im just existing x

06-08-12, 22:20
You could list your symptoms one at a time and see if anyone can help with there experience on each individual one and not mention the next one until you feel ok with the one you have already diclosed .... if that makes any sense :)

06-08-12, 22:33
Thanks, I could do that but I know how much I dislike hearing symptoms so would rather just leave it. Might go to gp x

06-08-12, 23:05
probably best, take care :) x