View Full Version : allergies and pnic attacks

22-07-06, 12:42
hi guys are any of you allergy sufferers? like hay fever,food allegies ect ect,if this applies to you this could be your problem...please google HISTAMINE,which is what is produced when you have a reaction the first symptom is PANIC ATTACKS ect ect,worth googling and just a thought

22-07-06, 15:51
If you suffer an allergic reaction then some of the symptoms are like panic/anxiety - sweating, shaking, can't breathe, fast heart etc.

But I don't think histamine causes panic attacks as such.


22-07-06, 16:18
well if you are full of histamine caused by the allergy then im sorry but a high histamine level will cause a panic attack,especially when the adrenaline goes into overdrive to combat the histamine,

22-07-06, 16:25
I have had severe hayfever and asthma for approximately 20 years, at one stage it attacked me so bad I was hospitalised as an emergency admission.
I can honestly say I have only suffered panic attacks for the last two years, although obcviously on occassions with these allergies have been ""scared""
I dont know what your thoughts are but if I google then Im sure i have every illness under the sun.
I do not have health phobia, thanks goodness but would NEVER google on health issues or I could have, just a personal opinion.

23-07-06, 13:41
hey thats cool, i don,t google everything either im just trying to find some answers as to how these drugs work on the brain as i have been ill for 22 mths now since stopping seroxat.Now its hayfever season i have been having panic attacks and i know its not situational,its chemical brain thing.
Im not trying to convince anyone that there problems are this that or the other im just against peeps being put on these mind altering drugs when a genuine illness could be the cause of panic,anxiety ect that doctors miss.I had bad hormonal/gyne probs in 1998 and that got me put on seroxat,now thanks to the drug im worse than ever ,so sorry just treying to share theories and maybe save ,even one person going on a mind altering drug for something the docs call,depression when that is not the actual cause

23-07-06, 13:44
Surely anti-histamines would work then and stop the panic?


23-07-06, 14:56
Sorry maybe I read this wrong, Im a little confused, sorry.

23-07-06, 17:21
God this thread is another story to set people off thinking they have something else wrong - we try for years to accept its anxiety and panic attacks and start to make improvements. i wouldnt think histamine would cause a panic attack - i do have allergies and take anti histamine but i know that its my thoughts that create the panic attack.


........life is for living not just for surviving

23-07-06, 18:53
Sorry but this just isnt true at all.
My 12 year old son has many acute allergys to

peanuts/hazlenuts/almonds/fish/eggs/milk/beans/dust mites/cats/trees/horses/bees/feathers/some antibiotics.

He has had acute anaphylaxis shock and has to carry epi pen injections/inhalers and anti histamines with him where ever he goes.
With every attack he has ever had he has never had a panic attack.

He is registered with professor warners acute allergy clinic at southampton general hospital and scored the highest IGE score ever recorded there.

They have never told us he would have a panic attack.

Having said all this histamines do play a part in speeding up the heart .


23-07-06, 18:57
sorry forgot to mention

IGE levels is the amount of histamines in your blood,

so with my son having the highest score ever recorded , he should be taking huge panic attacks I would imagine .


23-07-06, 23:13
buxy going off topic a mo i would be very interested to hear of your seroxat expererience as i too havebeen a victim of the poison i ended up in my local psyc hospital because of it feel free to pm me cheers kaz

24-07-06, 09:37
not sure about anti histamines i am drug sensitive and never been able to tolerate them.
Well heres hoping the allergies being out of control is another aftermath of seroxat .
I accept your oppinions and can handle any negative points it all helps me,all im doing is sharing my thoughts and experiences and appriciate yours too,infact this gives me hope that your son doesn,t experience panic as then it would fit with the theory that seratonin and dopamine are all over the place after the drugs and as histamine is closely linked then maybe when my brain repairs so will the allergy problem.I also have a permanant blocked righjt ear,that iv only had since stopping seroxat and that is linked to the histamine theory.
So once again thanks for the input its all helping me get my head around what happens post drug