View Full Version : Intense irritability/frustration

22-07-06, 12:56
Just wondered if anyone else gets this problem...I am always irritable and don't know why. It's so bad sometimes I smash and trash my flat up and haev broken vlauavle and sentimental items. It's liek I'm two people when I do it and once I do it I almost feel like I have a 'hangover' and regret everything. Sometimes the only way I can describe it is I feel like I want to kill someone...I don't of course but that's how intense my felings are.

Will Loynes
22-07-06, 15:22
I dont get like that now, but I know how that can feel.
I think it started when the P & A started to really take hold of me, the feeling of being isolated and unheard may me become extremely frustrated. I began to feel really hurt, then came the feeling of bitterness. I never hurt anyone but I did have episodes when I would snap, that was followed by an imense feeling of remorse and regret. Also, I can not rmember how many times it happened.
I have had CBT and counselling which has helped diffuse most of my frustration. Also I try to find ways to divert my thoughts when I get so uptight.
If you ever feel vulnerable to these feelings please PM me, lots of experience in what has been the most demoralising part of my illness.
Hope I havent waffled too much!?!?!

Will [8D]

22-07-06, 17:46
i must say i have never trashed things up, but there has been times when iv really wanted to, or i've wanted to hurt my boyfriend. can i ask u do u feel it well up in your chest. because if so, this is just your anxiety, it can cause rage. dont worry about it tho, i get it too, and it scares me, because iv never felt that angry. but yes, anxiety causes irratability, i'm constantly snapping, n the smallest little thing sets me off, in its not me, i'm so impatient to. hope this helps. Michelle xXx.

"Everything's good in the end, if it's not good, it's not the end!!!"

22-07-06, 18:38
Thanks both...yes it does kind of well up in my chest...I can almost feel my blood boiling. Well done though COG for not giving into it!

Will...what is CBT?

Will Loynes
22-07-06, 21:30
CBT is cognitive behaiour therapy, it helped me calm my mind and think differently, especially when things became too much!
I've also done a counselling course for beginers, this taught me how to listen to others in trouble, but also how to listen to myself. Sounds daft I know, but I can think my way out of the thoughts that used to upset me.
Have you read 'Self help for your nerves' by Claire Weekes? Though not entirely related to this issue it does help by talking about floating/ thinking past issues.

Hope this helps


24-07-06, 21:10
Was gonna post a new topic on this but I searched the forum first to see if there were any similar threads and found this - I was surprised to find the topic was so recent.

I'm really irritable at the moment - it is quite irrational but I do get irritable with things/people, generally for no good reason.

I dont feel like hurting anyone, I just feel grumpy/angry/irritable, and like I wanna be on my own.

26-07-06, 14:12
Had a bad bout yesterday as well. Am going to mention CBT to my counsellor Will. Have read that book but it ddn't help much. In fact it made me worse. Read a whole bunch and they all made me worse. Just starts me thinking more about my problems. Also had a top consultant psychiatrist recommend I don't read them. he sad they are no good.