View Full Version : Hi, my intro

05-08-12, 20:18
I often don't believe that I have a problem with panic attacks and anxiety because of the way people comment on my calm and collected manner. Thankfully I know I do suffer so can do things to help myself.

I started to get panic attacks about 4 years ago whilst relaxing and watching medical drama's on tv or after having drunk coffee during the day. The sensations were weird but I didn't get too worried by them. There was a lot going on in my life before and after those initial episodes; living in a new town with new people, family moving, new job, getting married, turning 30, generally maturing. I've had big events, good and bad, happen before and not always dealt with them well but 'got over it' and not experienced such physical effects before. I think I became overwhelmed with adapting to so much and my own well being often got ignored.

I went to the doctor to ask about the anxiety and panic symptoms and was referred to a local Mental Health site and requested telephone CBT. My main focus during the counselling was to address my new fears during motorway driving. I had experienced panic attacks which had really scared me and I needed to understand what was happening and how to rebuild my confidence. I got to a stage where I would start hyperventilating during yoga, talking to my boss and other situations which left me tired and depressed much of the time.

The CBT got me on track and I do have set backs but now take every occasion as it comes as it's the only way I can do it. I recognise when I feel strong and how lucky I am that I do have times when I'm not bothered by anything.

I am really looking forward to visiting the NMP site often and sharing experiences with other members. I found the site after searching for my various symptoms and finding that NMP was often listed in the results. This is a great idea and contains so much to explore. I have a close friend who started to suffer with panic attacks at about the same time as I did and we often talk about our successes and new methods that work for us. It's always good to have someone to talk things over with.

05-08-12, 20:30
Hi Carolion

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-08-12, 20:37
Happy Cheery post, it sounds like you should be able to give us some tips and advice, you seem to be coping extremely well.

05-08-12, 21:10
Hi Guys,
Thanks, I am working my way through the advice. It's great to get as much info as you can as some will really work for you where others might not - like with any sort of training or teaching.