View Full Version : why this feeling

22-07-06, 14:16
its a loverly sunny day as usual im indoors,the thing i dont understand is over the road from me people are gatherd having a good laugh and enjoying themselves ,this causes me great anxiety i have shut my windows do anyone else get this a puzzeled sue

22-07-06, 15:13

What causes the anxiety? Is it the social aspect or the heat or getting out?


22-07-06, 15:57

Dunno if my reasons are the same as yours but I hate hearing lots of shouting, even laughing, makes me nervous and on edge. I don't like crowds of people in general to be honest. I too shut all my windows and doors, even on a hot day, and kind of shut the world out.

This may not of course be the same reason as you!


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

22-07-06, 16:17
Hi Sue, Safety in your home comes to mind, I tend to do the same thing.There are lots of reasons for being like this, like nic says Why? Are you getting help for your feelings.

22-07-06, 16:28
hi there thank you for your replys i have been taking seroxat for 10 years for my anxiety it helped at firstbut not anymore.its not the heat so much but the laughing shouting ect, it makes me so anxious.maybe i should go back and see my gp but i have had bad reactions to a few tablets in the past and a bit carfull this forum is great and so supportive i dont feel alone anymore thank you sue

22-07-06, 17:06
Hi Sue, yes the forum is good and you will never be alone. No experience of seroxat so cant offer help/advice.
If you are at all doubtful , then go back, that is what GPs are there for.xx

31-07-06, 06:39
It can be what they are saying or maybe its psychological as well. Meaning that seeing people laughing or feeling good or whatever might make you dwell on your problems and how your missing out on things or how your anxiety has haulted your life. maybe im way off, but I feel that way sometimes