View Full Version : heart beat

06-08-12, 04:21
Does anyone else get irregular heart beats or like a flutter? It scares me to death , i know my panic attacks don't help none and the mind game it plays. I hate thinking i am going to die and these heart issues don't help. I don't even know if its normal. An:blush:y thoughts ?

06-08-12, 16:24
I get them a lot! I used to get them all the time when i suffered from panic attacks. I got prescribed propranalol which is a beta blocker and it stop the fast heart beat. Theyre good because theres no side affects. They just make you a little sleepy from where they calm you. Try taking deep and slow breaths. Breathe in for four seconds slowly , hold your breath for a second then slowly breathe out. Keep doing this and it'll really help. Some foods trigger it off to ,especially caffeine and high sugar foods.

There is nothing to worry about trust me. Sometimes it feels like you are having a heart attack but you arent dont worry its all apart of panic attacks. Try talking to your doctor and get them to give you some beta blockers. Hope this helps xxx

06-08-12, 17:17
Thank you littlehelper. Well i have a appt with my therapist in a few he has me on credits and xanax . I just get scared and i have been on ekg , heart monitors nd came out fine. But panic attacks like to play head games with me. Lmao .

11-08-12, 09:42
Me too read my new post mine wobbles and flutters and huge thud and space then thud and soooooo much worse when i panic which then i panic more thinking its going to stop hence more panic . x x

12-08-12, 21:20
I was there a year ago.. bad arrythmea and tachycardia. My heart was doing 180 bpm!!
You must see a doctor to get fully checked out, including an ultrasound scan. Thats the most revealing test, and put my mind at rest. They can see if there are any physical issues and measure all kinds of things. Thankfully mine was OK.
I was having wayyyy to much caffiene, and came off it immediately. Inside 2 days I was back to a regular rate, but with rythmn issues. Beta blocker actually made it worse! So off those I came, and over the next couple of months the rythmn normalised.
Just get a complete check up if you can, it really does put you at ease!

13-08-12, 01:29
I definately have felt some odd feelings with the chest and heart. It scares me every time. My mind should be at ease because I have had a 24 hour heart monitor which showed 0 irregular beats, I also have had 3 echocardiograms (ultrasounds), and a CT scan which other than a pfo (doctors have told me its absolutely nothing to worry about, and has nothing to do with how the heart works) nothing is wrong, and told me to excersize.

13-08-12, 03:45
I can completely understand i suffer from health anxiety/panic attacks due to my palpitations and ectopics. If you look at the time of my post im still up due to my heart playing games. Ive had it for about 18 years (30 now) and begining to realise im still here and it wont harm me. Its hard to train your brain to realise its all normal which is what all my ecg's echos and 24 heart monitors said, but im sure we will tackle this its easier said than done but try not to worry because its a visious circle. Take care x