View Full Version : Reassurance needed!

Jonny X
06-08-12, 16:06
It's been a while since I last posted on here. To cut a long story short, I've been suffering from what my GP tells me is anxiety for almost 18 months. It started after a stomach virus which lasted a day or so but involved me fainting, which was a horrible experience. I've had the usual tests, blood work, ECG, chest x-ray... all normal. I'm currently waiting to see a Neurologist which should be next month - I think my GP is only referring me for my own peace of mind... :wacko:

Anyway, my main symptom/problem is pretty much a constant spaced out/drunk feeling. It seems worse when I'm out and about, eg. out walking, supermarkets... It doesn't seem too bad when I'm indoors. I also get these really odd moments when some kind of 'wave' comes over me where I don't feel like me, just for a few seconds. I get a slightly panicky feeling but not so that I have an actual attack, if that makes sense? I also obsess over everything, any little pain or rash -serious HA I think!

I guess what I'm really asking is can anxiety make me feel this way, pretty much ALL day, EVERY day?! It drives me mad and constantly thinking 'what the hell is wrong with me?' is probably what's causing all of this!

Thanks for reading :)

06-08-12, 16:17

Sounds like classic Anxiety
Mine is always like that in supermarkets
one thing that helped me was to learn that "avoidance fuels fear" so the more we avoid the situations it just reinforces the fear.
Don't give up the fight

06-08-12, 16:20
Yes anxiety can make you feel that way, I often feel the same and I used to get really panicky thinking I was going to die but now I accept it as symptoms of my anxiety. I can relate to everything you say. When you say about obsessing about little pains, rashes etc, I do the same. I have fractured my foot and had to phone the consultant so that he can reassure me that it will heal and I won't need to have it chopped off! I am trying to look at things positively now and telling myself that the pain is the healing process :)

06-08-12, 16:20
Hi Jonny, I really hope that anxiety does make you feel that way otherwise we're both in trouble :ohmy:! I have exactly the same problem. I get hours or days when I feel completely spaced out and everything going on around me is surreal and very dream like.

Half my time is spent symptom checking thinking I'm having or about to have a stroke (my current fear) or when I'm symptom free I'm thinking 'WTF' and waiting for it to come back! I don't know what the answer is but just know you're def not alone in this. xx

06-08-12, 16:28
I get this. It feels like you arent present. Apparently its called depersonalization/derealization which is all linked to anxiety. Sometimes distraction can help. I know how you feel. Its like a constant daydream! Hope ur okay!x

Jonny X
07-08-12, 10:22
Many thanks for your replies, it's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling like this! The spaced out feeling has been going on for so long now that I kind of get used to it but this depersonalization is horrible! :scared15:

20-11-12, 13:59
As long as you arent feeling constant on/off lightheadedness as well as head pressure