View Full Version : Dizziness not connected to breathing

06-08-12, 17:34
I am finding it impossible to conect my dizziness to any sort of breathing problems. My dizzys are constant and also effects my vision. Is there anyone out there thinking the same

06-08-12, 18:25
Dizziness does not have to be related to breathing. It can be, but doesn't have to be. I think you are mislead there. Anxety effects the nervous system profoundly, and eyes and balance involve careful use of nerves, so it is understandable they would be affected by anxiety. If you haven't already seen a doctor to confirm it is anxiety, do so to rule out ear infection/poor eyesight etc.

06-08-12, 18:37
I get dizzy due to ear problems. Nothing serious, just wax build up. I also get dizzy due to menstruation but I am guessing with a name like Scott this is not the case for you!


06-08-12, 19:27
I get dizzy due to ear problems. Nothing serious, just wax build up. I also get dizzy due to menstruation but I am guessing with a name like Scott this is not the case for you!


Come to think of it, that causes me dizzy spells too, I always thought there was a connection. You never know, I heard that men have their monthlies too :whistles:

07-08-12, 18:11
Hi there :)

I get constant feelings of dizziness but i think mine are more physchological because my worst fear is being dizzy (one of my fears lol)
Anyway i had therapy and the therapist told me that anxiety can cause vision problems and breathing problems are very common in anxiety and panic. Try and take deep breathes and relax

20-11-12, 14:00
sinus infections can also cause dizziness and head pressure as is exposure to black mold toxins /leaking toilets..

20-11-12, 18:07
sinus infections can also cause dizziness and head pressure as is exposure to black mold toxins /leaking toilets..

Why are you writing about black mold and leaking toilets everywhere? And how does this cause dizziness? :huh:

20-11-12, 18:51
LOL!! yes, why are you writing about leaking toilets??!!!

22-11-12, 11:40
If your blocked in the he's it will cause dizziness. I've had it for day's now, my anxiety is playing up again over health issues. Sometimes I feel off balance. Or like I'm falling.