View Full Version : high blood pressure

06-08-12, 19:16
ive been on blood pressure tablets for about 15 years [i take 4 different tablets for this] and ive been having a lot of stress over the past 5 months. ecgs, holter monitor, urine, blood tests and xrays have all been done. now im on 20mg citalopram plus diazopam if im too stressed.
went for my diabetes check, which i am controlling by diet today and everything is ok with that but when it got my bp check i was horrified to be told it was 164/114, a reading i have never been even near in the past. the stress levels are really high again now as i worry about the consequences of this. the diabetic nurse and gp said they are not overly concerned about this and to go back in 2 weeks and if required they would increase the medication, but i am big time.

06-08-12, 19:40
It could be a one off or white coat syndrome so it was higher than normal.

06-08-12, 21:09
the med staff said it wasnt dangerous but needed to be checked and treated if necessary so why does it stress me some much rather than taking their comments as reassuring?

07-08-12, 18:18
I was told that anything above 100 on the lower reading was cause for concern..... on the other hand, it could easily have been a one-off. I had one the other day which was 155/102........ took it an hour later and it was 118/82!! It really needs to be monitored over a period of time with readings being taken regularly in order to get an accurate picture of whats going on and if it is of concern.

07-08-12, 19:30
doc and nurse both said it needed monitoring but was not of concern as previous readings over several years had all been considerably lower. i must say it has increased my health anxiety massively.

oh no_1
07-08-12, 19:35
i suffer high blood pressure and im 26!!! been on meds since i was 19!!!

07-08-12, 21:22
Hello, I had an increase in anti depressants which my GP said has caused an increase in blood pressure. Have you had any changes in medication?
Zings x

07-08-12, 21:31
ive recently restarted on 20mg citalopram after stopping them for 3 months but my health anxiety got so bad the gp said i needed to be on them.

oh no_1
07-08-12, 21:56
i suffered high bp before all ythis started i know i shudnt have high blood pressure at my age tried everything.... it scary as it dangerous

20-08-12, 12:25
had a bp check today of 148/84 and am due for a further check in sept.

20-08-12, 12:29
Buy one of those omron bp monitors if you can, and check it from home... You'll probably be less anxious checking from home.

20-08-12, 18:16
The prospect of having my BP checked sends it through the bloody roof, even if I check it at home using one of those kits. As soon as the machine starts making that grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... noise as the cuff tightens around my arm that's it, I am a nervous wreck!

There is just one practice nurse who can get a normal reading out of me (the last one was 142/78, I'm 43 years old) and that is because she uses the old fashioned method where they manually pump the cuff and listen for the clicks through the stethoscope. No grrrrrr noise so I don't notice she's taking the reading. Plus she keeps me talking while she does it.

When anxious about it mine can shoot up to 170/110. I am on four pills a day including max dose of ramipril. I have had high BP diagnosed since I was 31 years old.

22-08-12, 17:18
The more I worry the higher my BP goes so I worry about it and it goes higher - viscious circle. I am on medication but I suffer from white coat readings when my doctor takes it or when I do it myself so who knows what my actual BP is??! If your doctor is not concerned then you shouldn't be either - easier said than done I know. Chin up and happy thoughts V <3