View Full Version : I'm back and so is the anxiety

06-08-12, 21:02
Hi everyone,

I haven't been on NMP for about 18 months, since my last bout of anxiety. Just need to blow off a bit of steam, so here goes.

I had been doing alright and completed a course of CBT in January. I then decided to drop the AD that I was on. I coped OK until June when a series of things came up that caused me a good deal of stress. I feel silly as it was over the running of a club I was secretary of but it felt very personal. My friends recognised the warning signs before I did but once the cycle starts, it's very hard to stop. After talking to my Doc, I decided to resume the Prozac, 20 mg daily. I had hoped that my body having recently experienced the drug, I might not get any side effects this time. looks like I was wrong - the first couple of weeks were OK but I've just started my 4th week and I feel very anxious indeed. I think it's the side effects of the Flouxitine but you always have that bit of doubt don't you? I think this time I will stay on the Prozac for the foreseeable future as when I look back, I cope OK on it but when I stop it, the anx eventually returns. The CBT helps but when the anx is really blasting, it's hard to think straight and apply the things I learned at CBT.

I'm trying to stick it out at work but I find I feel trapped at work because when the anx is bad, you just want to hide away and not face anybody. I've been here before and I've always pulled it around but you know what it's like when you're in the middle of it - it feels like it will never get better.

I feel like I'm letting my wife and children down when I get like this, but I can't help it - I would not wish anxiety on my worst enemy.

Today has been the worst day so far - I find the warm humid weather at the moment makes me sweat and that starts me going as I associate feeling hot and bothered with being anxious. I find it hard to accept that probably everyone else is feeling a bit hot.

I'm trying to lay off the grog as well as I was getting through a bottle of whisky every week - I don't drink much else mind but I do like a dram - legacy of a Highland upbringing I guess.

I find myself feeling pretty despondent at times - I just want to feel like myself again but I know I have to be patient. I have two beautiful children and a lovely wife - I just want to relax and enjoy life with them.

That's my story - hopefully someone out there can relate to where my head is at.


06-08-12, 21:15

I know how you feel, life is hard when you have anxiety. I would lay off the drink completely, all it does is make anxiety worse. Maybe try to refer back to CBT techniques, I know its easier said than done but it can help when you feel like this.