View Full Version : Holiday

22-07-06, 16:52
Hi All

Does anyone have a fear of going on holiday.

If you how do you overcome it. I have been asked to go away for a week with someone who does not know anything about my anxiety and depression and I am getting in a right state about it.

I dare not book anything because I just feel so freaked out. Everyone else who I know seems to look forward to hols etc but it absolutly terrifies me about going abroad. Can you have a phobia about abroad holidays. If anyone else has had this feeling how did you overcome it. I just feel like crying at the thought of it.



22-07-06, 17:13
Hi Jewel, have you had any help from cmht, I am working on this at the moment, I know I will go, I go every year, so am not in the same position as you, but Im getting help to make it easier.
Just a thought, Im sure somebody will come along very soon with better advice.xx