View Full Version : Sleep & relaxing problems!!

06-08-12, 21:53
Does anybodys anxiety seem to be worse on a night when your relaxing or in bed trying to go to sleep? :( Can anyone offer any advice on how to stop my mind from racing and to actually have some sleep?!

06-08-12, 22:18
Hi. Yes mine is definitely worse at night. My body seems to react when I'm sleeping, it's like I'm battling all day but then when I sleep it's like I'm letting my guard down. I read before sleep and it seems to distract me, then when I'm trying to sleep I plan every detail of the next day to occupy my mind and by then I'm asleep. Everyone is different but anything is worth a go. Hope you get some sleep tonight, we all know how sleep depravation makes our anxiety worse x

06-08-12, 22:24
Hi Laurabaz

I too often have trouble getting to sleep as my mind fills up with all sorts of nonsense making it almost impossible to settle and get some sleep.
Sometimes what works for me is listening to a relaxation CD, there are loads available, some better than others, some with just sounds of rainfall, waves etc and some that have a speaker who will talk you into a relaxed state.
As my concentration shifts to what I am listening to I become relaxed and often fall asleep before I realise it's working.
I have to say it doesn't always work but it's the best method I've found to date. There are also loads of audio books on CD that you could try to divert your attention from the busyness in your head. Have a look on Amazon, it is worth a go.
I wish you the best of luck.
Zings :hugs:

06-08-12, 22:35
I got to a stage where i was actually petrified of going to be as thats when i had my panic attacks dont knw if it was just a vicios circle with associating night time with panic. I dont know if it will work for you but i bought a fan and pointed it on me. it relaxed me and gave me air. my fan is never off now.

06-08-12, 23:44
Thanks for the replies :) I will defo try your suggestions. I will have a good nights sleep sooner rather then later! I just tend to feel very agitated and work my self up! And yes still awake but feeling a bit sleepy so hopefully get some sleep :weep: x

07-08-12, 06:55
I guess we do have the same problem. I think you are anemic, cause' the last time I go to doctor and tell what my problem is..the doctor said it's because I'm anemic and I should take ferrous sulfate. But to insure seek for a doctor first.

eight days a week
07-08-12, 07:14
I'm not sure about anaemia, I think sleep problems are absolutely common amongst those of us with anxiety and depression and OCD.

Perhaps you could try melatonin (I haven't yet but keep meaning to)?

I will also get some anti-histamines next time I'm at the chemist, as people say they work for sleep, and when I've had them in the past I remember I did sleep better...

Also B-vitamins after you have had breakfast (I have read, but don't know if it's true, that if you take them later in the day they can actually keep you up).

Interestingly, I slept much better when I had Buccastem for (occasional use for) stomach problems. It works on dopamine, and I am pretty sure a dopamine response is one of my main problems...

A friend told me one 'mindfulness' technique which has helped me a bit. Instead of being awake with thoughts going everywhere, she recommended focussing on three specific things. For example, 'what can I feel?' - so you feel out and find your duvet and experience touching it. And then 'something you can hear' - maybe the birds outside. Focussing on these things (especially for me, touch) takes me away from my mind racing everywhere, and gets me back into a moment where I feel peaceful.

Just a thought! Please let us know how you get on :hugs:

07-08-12, 07:48
Luarebaz, some times it happen when we are facing some stress problem which leads to the sleep disorders. I was facing the sleep related problem in last few years but unable to find the solution on that time but some one advice is very helpful for me and my life is totally changed. Now i am sleeping more than 8 hours in a day. do you know that sleeping disorder also affects the sexual desire of men and can lead to sexual problems.

Sleeping disorder mainly linked with our mind and the thought.
Leave stress
keep busy your life
don't think about your past life
eat healthy
drinks lots of water daily

Yoga, one of the best meditation game in the world. yoga is very helpful to reduce the mentally stress and will help you to control your emotion as well. yoga techniques will defiantly work for you.
More information about healthy lives you can visit: instantpharmarx dot com/healthy-health-tips.php

07-08-12, 07:52
Hmm I have been anaemic before but don't think it's the case this time. I don't really want to take tablets for it as I don't like them. But I will try what you said about concentrating your mind. I eventually dosed off last night so didn't have time to come on here but will defo try tonight! Thanks for replies :)

---------- Post added at 07:52 ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 ----------

Thank you messi121lion :)

Tilly Flop
07-08-12, 08:51
I'm definitely worse at night, though I normally have no trouble dropping off to sleep, I wake up after a while and then can't get back off. I just put it down to having too many thoughts spinning round my bonce!!

07-08-12, 08:56
Im having real sleep issues at the moment, its a vicious cycle when you're so tired but then you're so anxious about going to bed incase you cant sleep or start to panic, it is awful. Last night I was waking up every hour or so and my heart was beating like mad, so scary!

07-08-12, 09:22
Yeah that's me if I do finally dose off I find myself waking up early hours and lying for for some times hours! Would love to just have a good nights sleep.

07-08-12, 09:25
its not fair really! when you need to rest your mind and try to stay calm the not sleeping just adds to problems

09-08-12, 12:22
"Tilly Flop" If you are facing the problem of sleep disorder as you say that "after a while you wake up and then can't get off" Then you have to be consult with a professional physician firstly. this is my personal suggestion, If you are not interested then OK.

09-08-12, 12:38
I am going through a cycle of not sleeping the past few weeks. It's so hard. Lately I have tried a few free iphone apps that have hypnosis on them to help me calm down. It was hard the first time, but the second time I tried last night it was a little easier and I was finally able to sleep without taking nyquil or benedryl.