View Full Version : anyone get weird feelings in your chest?

06-08-12, 22:31
Hey yesterday and today I keep getting this weird sensation in my chest I can't describe it its like there's something annoying there but there's not if you know what I mean its more annoying than anything when I'm relaxed and not thinking of it its not there but when I think of my anxiety it comes on so I know it that I'm so sick of anxiety and its many symptoms : ( does anybody else get this I know I should ignore it but its so annoying

Matt King
07-08-12, 15:56
I get what you mean. I get all sorts of weird and unexplainable sensations in my chest when i'm over aware of it. Sometimes a weird sort of "vibrating" sensation, sometimes it feels tight and other times just tingly.

Anxiety can aggravate so many different parts of our body internally and produce so many strange symptoms. it's not worth getting annoyed or upset about. Stay positive :)