View Full Version : Anyone here get chest pains?

07-08-12, 02:09
I get them quite frequently, especially over the past few days. Sometimes they're like a squeezing, sometimes an ache. Last few days have been more sharp twinges right where my heart is. I've had an ECG and an echocardiogram done which both came back fine, but I obviously still worry and they are quite uncomfortable.

Just want to know other peoples experiences :)

07-08-12, 02:45
Sounds like it could be muscle pains. Are your shoulders or back tense? Are you sleeping on a bad mattress or sitting in an uncomfortable chair?
Does moving around or stretching make any difference?

07-08-12, 03:09
Yes my shoulders and the top of my back are very tense, I think I have a pinched nerve as pain is going down my arm and neck too aswell as my back and just under my armpit.

I've always thought that the chest pains are muscular because of the anxiety. Stretching doesn't seem to do anything though.

07-08-12, 22:33
Yes. I had an ECG as well and the doctor said it was all fine. He gave me prilosec for acid reflux and it works wonders. Sometimes though I still get a twinge, and lately it's been frequent. It seems to be directly on my heart, and my left arm and shoulder becomes achey. Usually the twinge is sudden and makes me jump, and if I'm lying down, it startles me upright as if I were a a movie character who just had a nightmare. I get this visual in my mind that part of my heart is dying and can't get enough O2 from my bloodstream. Other visuals include blood clots going into my heart (although I know that's not the case or I'd pretty much be in the hospital or dead by now). Sometimes it will only be one or two twinges, sometimes it's mutliple that lasts for a good 5 to ten minutes at a time. Sometimes it even feels like a squeeze or as if there is some kind of toxin pumping through my veins. The weird pains can go all the way to my hands on both arms, and even in my legs, usually behind my knees. Coughing seems to help if it's a quite twinge, but not really when the twinges continue for a few minutes. Deep breathing helps like 99% of the time but there is still the 1% when deep breathing seems to actually make it twinge more.

I've also been incredibly stressed lately in life, and I have always had depression and anxiety issues. I get really nervous about having to talk to someone during the day. I also drink a lot of diet coke and coffee at work, and I don't shy away from spicy foods. To add, after I changed the brakes on my car a few months ago, I think I messed up my back, so then I had all kinds of nerve issues all throughout my body including the sciatic nerve.
If I had to guess, I would say a combination of all of those could be what triggers the twinges. There are times when my heart isn't twinging, but I will feel some spasms in my rib cage, like little bubbles popping. It doesn't hurt at all, but I wonder if it's related.
Based on what the doctor said, I have to quit smoking (although he doesn't think it's smoking related... yet). He said that exercise is one of the best ways to help and I think that he might be right because I went to the gym about 3 times a week for a month and the twinges stopped. I can't rule out angina but from what I've read, angina symptoms occur when or after excercise. Mine occur most when I'm resting/sitting/lying down. On top of the incredible amounts of stress that have slapped me in the face like a tidal wave made of brick walls, I have been slack in working out at the gym and now the twinges are starting up all over again.

So basically, I worry about it or else I wouldn't have found this website, but my doctor assures that it's fine. Based on a lot of research, it seems that most people with similar symptoms of mine also happen to think it's mostly stressed related and not life threatening. The way it feels though, I can't help but think that if we didn't do anything about it, it might eventually be life-threatening. I think I should probably try and quit smoking (it's so damn hard) and maybe cut out the coffee and see if it helps.

08-08-12, 01:05
I take omeprazole for acid reflux as I suffer terribly! If it wasn't for omeprazole I would have acid reflux every day. I've had it so bad that I wake up with a burnt mouth from it :( It hasn't helped with any chest pains though. I do still get acid every now and then, usually at night where the omeprazole has probably worn off.

Coke and coffee are no no's! I don't have either but I've heard that they can aggravate anxiety symptoms. I have terrible nerve problems too! I have a curve at the bottom of my spine which causes all sorts of pains down my legs, and I also think I have a trapped nerve in the top of my back at the moment, as I've had awful pain across the top of my back, up my neck, down my arm into my fingers.

And really? I really want to start exercising soon. It's the summer holidays so I'm off from college (I normally walk there and back, sometimes several times a day) and have been pretty idle, sitting on my bum all day, and have noticed that my pains are a lot worse. I want to go to the gym to start doing weights to put on a bit of muscle but I don't have the money at the moment.

And it could EVENTUALLY after years, due to the stress it causes, but on it's own I do not think its harmful (although I do also worry about it being harmful or something cardiac related). Cutting out smoking and coffee will definitely help you.

08-08-12, 02:18
Hi Jsp

Chest pain is a very common symptom with anxiety, I get them too. Sometimes all over the chest, sometimes on the right side, sometimes really tight etc etc. Can be indigestion as well.

If you've had an ecg and echo then you should be reassured there isn't anything wrong with your heart. It's easy to say I know:blush:

Betty xxx

08-08-12, 13:00
i too get chest pains in fact got them today hopefully just stress as i am today, previously had ecg and was fine.