View Full Version : help me please

22-07-06, 17:42
hi, OMG i'm so scared. i was talking to this guy last night who stared out with mild anxiety and now he has split personalities. he goes unconcious all the time n has to slap or stab himself to stop it from happenig. he also has to hit his head against a wall just to know where he is. he said if i didnt do something about iy, with the way i am, this could happen to me. IS THIS LIKELY??? cos i'm so so scared now. i get real terrible unrealness, some times i can even feel it, all the way thro my body. i question reality alot, even my own existence. i so often feel like im gonna have a stroke, or stop breathing, or go crazy. i dont even feel like me any more, i don't know who i am. some times i sit there n my mind is just blank, like its just blackness in my head, n some times i can feel what can only be described as blackness along the top of my head. i aslo get pains in the top of my head. i dont see the silver lining, i dont feel strong enough, n i dont know if i even have the will power to help myself. i'm so scared, n feel lost and alone. does any one else get these feelings i said and do u think what i asked earlier is likely. some one help me please. michelle xXx.

"Everything's good in the end, if it's not good, it's not the end!!!"

22-07-06, 18:26
NO this will not happen to you!!!!

i'm sorry but this guy sounds like a bit of a nutter! and he is a man and they have different ways of dealing with this stuff, some of those ways are not very effective at all, like taking drugs and drinking.

i think he is motivated by kindness to try to shock you into getting better but he has gone the wrong way about it. intense anxiety can make you feel horrendously ill, i know as i've been there on numerous occasions and on here i'm not alone, and i'm still here and i'm not insane and stabbing or slapping myself!!!! i'm also having a bad time at the moment but i'm dealing with it and getting strength from that.

you need to find out as much as you can and get a good self-help book i recommend 'don't panic' by R REID WILSON that you can get from amazon.com

hope this helps emmasxxxx

polly daydream
22-07-06, 20:27
Hi Michelle, don't listen to him sweet, this will defo not happen to you, I also suffer badly sometimes with anxiety and also get the mind blankness but I don't find the need to do what that guy says he does, he certainly sounds like a bit of an idiot, you are stronger than you think and are never alone, remember we are all here to help where we can.

Take care,

Polly x