View Full Version : im freaking out

07-08-12, 09:20
Im struggling with my attacks and thoughts this morning popped into chat room but no1 there. Ive just got this feeling of been on edge and having panic attack after panic attack. My minds racing and I get this hot feeling over my head like a mist (best way to describe it) my ibs is going crazy so ive got the runs, sat shaking and my 3 year old wants to play :( bf away to work... i had a good ish day yesterday as my sister was here all day with me but as soon as im alone i freak out. I honestly dont think my tablets are working anymore. Im due to go into drs at 6.20 tonight but not sure i can make it but really need to go. I actually feel like im loosing my mind!!! whats going on is this just my mirt not working anymore? Im on 45mg and have been for months now... I tried to lower it afew weeks ago got to two weeks on lower dose and I started freaking out again. So dr put it back up.

I really dont know what to do or who to turn to!!!

07-08-12, 09:33
Hi hun, i think it might be time to speak to your gp about a change in meds, from what ive read mirt has a tendancy to poop out on people, personally mirt did nothing for my panic attacks or anxiety it just helped me sleep so i changed to venlafaxine and feel so much better now. Go to your appointment today and see what they say good luck x x

07-08-12, 09:40
Yeah I now remember reading somewhere about mirt popping out on ppl. How did you find coming off mirt? im on 45mg and tried to reduce two weeks ago but after 2 weeks had really bad withdrawl so had to put my tablets back up. How did you do the cross over? im keeping my appointment as I cant go on like this. Im having horrible thoughts as well now which i never had before and not sure if thats a side effect of the mirt? its somethig ive never had before xx

07-08-12, 15:26
Hi i was cross tapered over over 2 weeks and it was hard as i did get withdrawals from the mirt when i stopped it but its been worth it in the long run, let me know how you get on at the docs :hugs: xx

26-08-12, 12:59
hey Nicola... Dr has given me a script for 30mg of mirt and 15mg of cit saying they work well together. Im actually crapping my pants as they tried me on cit at the start altho 40mg which the dr said I really shouldnt of been started on it that high. Tonight will be the first night im due to take it and im scared. I remember how cit felt last time and im trying to calm myself down by saying its not as high a dose?! xxx

26-08-12, 13:08
Hi hun, wow you were started on 40mg of cit OMG im not surprised you had a bad reaction :ohmy: if i was you id start on 10mg of cit for a few days, ive also heard cit and mirt are a good combo, good luck xx

26-08-12, 13:45
lol yeah dr said the same thing, hes give me a scrip for 15mg of of cit this time which im due to start tonight but like I say im crapping myself... im feeling a but down today and have had the feeling of doom but im wondering if im worrying over the cit... i guess im worrying about cit again but also the mirt withdrawl at the same time thanks for the luck :) xxx

26-08-12, 15:37
Ive been through cit side effects and mirt withdrawal so message me anytime x x

26-08-12, 17:00
I'm coming of Mirtazapine too and started up on Trazodone 9 days ago but this weekend I've not been able to sleep at all and had to go to the emergancy doctor this morning for some diazepam which hasn't helped one bit any how I am so sky high. I've just had to cancel going out for Sunday tea with my Parents and little boy so I totally sympathise. I don't know if I am going through some sort of withdrawel too or if it's the new drug causing me to be so anxious...I felt wonderful on both for the first few days of takign them but after only 2 weeks, Mirtazapine made me really depressed and weepy and the odd panic attack I was having turned me into a totally anxious weepy mess. I've lost loads of weght as I have to get up and walk every morning but the doctors have kept me on Mirtazapine 5 months not listening to me telling them it was making me worse. I never get to see the same GP twice too and one tells me to lower the dosage, another to up it back to 45mg's.
I was on Citalopram last time I suffered with anxiety. I only started up on 10mg and was really hyper, my head felt like a pressure cooker for days and my anxiety wnet through the roof but I stuck with it and it made me really well....I just wish I'd not let my doctor talk me out of coming off it last July as once it's in my system it works great for me but 5 months ago I just chickened out of taking it again because of those first few weeks of hell but how I wish I'd gone back on it now and I'm really angry at myself. Really hope you are feeling miles better soon. My Husband was on Citalopram for a while btq and the only side effect he had was insomnia and flushing, I just can't seem to tolerate any ant-d upon start up but think because it's anxiety I suffer with not actual depression, they just stimulate my brain too much! I can't remember exaclty how long it took Citalopram to kick in and the s/e's to go away but I was on it for over 2 years and it never ever pooped out on me and gave me my life back at that time. (:

27-08-12, 14:48
Ive been through cit side effects and mirt withdrawal so message me anytime x x

Thankyou for that Nicola expect incoming inboxes lol

well I only took half the tablet last night and felt panic when I went to bed but this is actually common for me at night time so I played some games on my phone and managed to calm down and then get to sleep.... So far today Ive felt slightly sick, bad head (again common for me anyway) but actually slightly more with it then normal and was more alert this morning!

27-08-12, 16:24
Thats great :D good luck x x