View Full Version : Head/Ears

07-08-12, 10:16
I've been suffering from on/off one-sided headaches for months now but for the past 2 days it has been really intense. Feels like someone is squeezing the right side of my head very hard - also makes my eye feel weird. I'm also getting earache in right ear which is really uncomfortable. Have also got pain in my shoulder and up my neck. I had similar ear issues with dizziness a few months ago and went to my doctor but there was no infection and she suggested I might have a blockage in my inner ear which would heal on its own. The only time I get any relief from it is when I'm lying down with my head supported - within 10-15 minutes of being in bed it more or less goes away and I sleep soundly. I don't know what that suggests! Within an hour of getting up again, one by one the symptoms come back.

I'm getting 'bleeping' fed up with it and I really am at a loss about what to do! Do I go back to the doctor only to be told there's nothing wrong, do I put up with in and hope it goes away or do I look for alternative answers - ie; is it muscular, do I need a chiropractor! I'm getting impatient now because I go on holiday in 5 weeks and I don't want to go away with any issues. Grrrrr!!!!

07-08-12, 12:59
Do you have any allergies? If it's sinus related it could be allergies. I have allergies enough to clog the sinuses and cause headaches just on one side of my face, oddly not the other.

You may want to look for alternative therapy. I've used a chiropracter and seen a little success, also acupuncture and massage have helped me with muscle pain.

07-08-12, 15:06
Thanks for replying. I don't have allergies that I'm aware of but my nose does get congested at night quite often. I have noticed my right nostril gets a bit 'fizzy' at times - I don't know how else to describe it and I have been quite sneezy. I don't have any face pain though. It's the headaches that are getting me down more than anything and sometimes when I bend my head forward there is so much pressure all over! It has eased off a bit this afternoon but still there. Frustrating! xx

07-08-12, 15:11
Hi meche , this sounds just like me I also have pressure on right side on head and eat and eye. I also have eat pain and my balance is very bad , I also get pressure between my eyes , I hope u feel better soon , and I hope I could help alittle tc xx

07-08-12, 15:25
Thanks Jessica - it helps knowing I'm not alone. I do have alot of light-headed moments that can last for hours or days. It doesn't affect my mobility or balance and it isn't so bad I can't carry on with stuff but it's a horrible feeling. Hope you feel better too. xx

28-08-14, 01:20
HI ya, I spotted a post in a previous thread where you mentioned crackling ears. I have had crackling ears on going since March now, it goes away sometimes but then comes back...I also have had the ear pain in one ear, head pressure... I read somewhere that these symptoms can be related to some kind of hormone imbalance. Hormonal imbalance can also cause a rise in the histamine levels in your body making it feel like you have hayfever (apparently) I noticed that my crackling ears get worse around ovulation and get better when my period is over...obviously I'm not a Dr, though whenever I speak to my Dr about these things I usually get a shoulder shrug...so self diagnosis seems the only option!

05-09-14, 15:58
I saw your post on there too. I have had - not pain - but full and blocked feeling in my head. My ears squelch when I swallow and my nose is blocked. I get ringing ears which has scared me after visiting doctor google, and seems not much can be done.