View Full Version : self medicating with alcohol. developing a problem.

07-08-12, 10:30
Ever since I was 16 I have drank large amounts of alcohol at social situations or clubbing or anything special like tht, on dates or days out with friends it would always be a drinking occasion because I was so anxious inside and it made me perfect. Now it's got to a point where I'm drinking all day just to keep the anxiety or these feelings at bay, I try to stay away, I get to the night and then I give in because I feel so ill. I don't know if I just feel really ill from all the alcohol I consume lately or the anxiety. The doctor gave me propranolol and I haven't started tem because I've been drinking every day and worried they're going to interract and cause me bad side effectd, she's also given me anti depressants now citropram or something because I told her the propranolol was going well. I feel myself increasingly getting worse. I don't know whther to just take a propranolol but then I think if I feel really bad from it or I get side effects I could always just down a bottle or two of wine and feel better :/

09-08-12, 10:54

I think that you have done really well in being able to accept and understanding the alcohol you are drinking is not helping your situation. I think that you now need to build on that by being as open and frank with your doctor as you have in what you have written above.
Do not worry, easy to write I know, about talking through the situation regarding your drinking habits and not taking the propranolol as I can assure you your doctor will have heard it many times before.
You are not alone in turning to alcohol for help with your anxiety (I am trying to avoid it now as I do know that it only makes it a lot worse for me) so do not feel bad about that. But I do think that you need to have that chat with your doctor as she can then support you more appropriate to your needs if you are open and frank with her.

Best of luck and please do have a chat with your doctor.

19-08-12, 23:08
I used to drink heavily too due to my anxiety. I never felt right when out drinking and I used to compensate by drinking lots. In the last 8 months, I have only gone out drinking 3 times. I now have more money, have lost weight and don't have uncomfortable nights out. Start taking your medication. Propranolol did nothing for me but Citalopram has improved my state of mind. Admittedly I do have bad days and the first week or two I felt down at times, but generally it has worked wonders.

20-08-12, 00:12
I self medicated with alcohol and it is a disaster i ended up collapsed in hospital,biggest mistake of my life now my Depression /panick attacks are controlled by medication not booze,have not have a drink at all for over a month now and am going to stay that way.

Also any medication you are prescribed will not work with the drink as was explained to me,if you wish to PM me i am willing to chat if it would help you.

All the best.
