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07-08-12, 11:03
Hello, this is very hard for me as i am considered to be the strong one. Physically robust ex services and considered the do-er in the family.
Inside however i have often had such terrible emotions that if people knew they probably would consider me mad or at least unemployable. I take fluoxetine once a day and now up to 2 a day and have been for about 7 years which is when it started.I have beautiful wife and 2 dtrs but they have no idea what is going on inside my head. I seem to feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and can't understand why people can be so shallow and liars. wether it,s world politic or bankers or some disgusting little irk who has no manners or morals. I have reached a point were i feel angry but emotionless at the same time and at this point i don't really care what the future brings (i,m not suicidal) but even holidays don't present emotional high anymore. i could go on but .... i would be interested to know is this fairly common and what did you do to overcome this shitty feeling

07-08-12, 11:13
Hi col1n

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-08-12, 11:24
Hi Col1n :welcome:

Anxiety & depression often result from being to strong for too long. What you are experiencing a very common symptoms of depression which has the ability to suck the energy and enjoyment out of daily living. As you are ex services it is also possible that you may be experiencing PTSD?

I'd suggest you review your medication with your GP as it does not seem to be effective right now. Have you had any counselling or tried CBT? (cognitive behavioural therapy)

You will receive lots of information and support on here that can make a real difference to your current situation. :)

07-08-12, 11:28
It is usually the ones who are considered to be strong and caring who get anxiety. Same with me and I can relate to how you are feeling. I wish there was a quick answer to how to overcome it but at least we know we are not on our own. No you are not going mad. I once said to my doctor that I thought I was going mad and he said "anxiety is an illness, you are not mad!" I find it easier if I can do something to distract me from the feelings but that is not always easy. I hope you start to improve soon.

07-08-12, 11:42
Thanks guys or girls even, how do you find it manifests itself in your daily life, do you drink too much, have you gone off relationships, sex, contact with people etc

07-08-12, 11:50
Thanks guys or girls even, how do you find it manifests itself in your daily life, do you drink too much, have you gone off relationships, sex, contact with people etc

All of the above and many more symptoms are caused by anxiety and depression. The common factor of all symptoms being reduced functioning and enjoyment of life. Try not to focus on your symptoms too much and move your attention to what you can do to improve your quality of life in areas such as self care, diet, exercise, social contact and support, medication, talking therapies etc.

07-08-12, 11:56
I rarely drink alcohol so that is not a problem for me. I lose my appetite and some days struggle to even get out off bed on a morning and I cry for no apparent reason. The anxiety makes me feel nauseous. I find it hard on really bad days to be able to concentrate on doing anything. Some days I have opened the freezer door and cried because I couldn't think about cooking any of the food! There just seems to be no other emotion other than fear. It is getting better now and I have had cognitive behaviour therapy which has helped a lot.

07-08-12, 13:33
Depressive illness is not a psycological, emotional or mental illness, it is a physical illness just like if you had a broken leg or had flu and it is the curse of the strong. xxx

07-08-12, 14:10
Dear Col1n, I had a breakdown two months ago, and it has been really scary. I went to my doctor and told him I was going insane and that I needed to be hospitalized. He told me it was "just" anxiety, not insanity. I also used to be the strong one in the family and at work. Now I feel like I can't even cook dinner. I started taking fluoxetine a month ago, and hopefully it will help me.

Sending you hugs, :hugs:

07-08-12, 14:35
All this anxiety is building up inside you like a volcano about to erupt. I know this because I have realised that only recently that the self same thing has happened to me. Now I am making a concise effort to talk about anxiety, depression, how I am feeling with others, not necessarily a family member, but just someone I feel comfortable talking to. The relief is immense. The volcano has become dormant. This is the first step towards my recovery.

07-08-12, 14:48
if anyone wants to chat online i am happy with that you will have to use messenger